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Could he be lying?


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I wrote on my facebook status that i could not wait until monday, as something was happening and then i look at my friends up dated status and my ex appears on there saying' i am going to italy for a week, luv it son! I mean what does this mean? And is he just lying as he just wants to make out that he is looking forward to things too? I dont really want him to go, but i cant tell him that. I think that if he is going and he is not lying then he is going with a new gf if he has one and it is making me upset! What do i do?

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As much as you may want to ring him up to ask him to confirm that trip, it would be best to just stay away. I think you may be making just an assumption of him going with a new gf...but even if he is, there really isn't anything you can do right? So, why put yourself through the agony of thinking about it over and over. Easier said then done, I know. The best thing to do now is to keep doing NC (if you are doing that) and just keep yourself busy with things that will keep your mind off him. At the end of the day, what you need to realize is that he will want to live his life...life just goes on...and for him, it may be with someone new. Its really hard to take that especially if you still care about him a lot, but what and who he goes with is something you have no control over. So, its best to accept it for what it is and try to forget about it.

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