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Emotionally Sick


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Sometimes I miss my gf so much that i feel very sick. Like i have a high fever. I don't know what to do. For example yesterday I didn't talk to her all day until around 11:30 at night. She was busy all day with her friends and I worked until 5pm. We were on instant messenger and she just seemed very general. No I love you, no i miss you So stupid me brings up a question that I should have never asked and i said "Are you loosing interest in me?" She told me that she couldn't believe that you said that. She also said that i hated her and she is mean to me because of the way she treats me i guess. And i told her no thats not it and i apologized for asking such a stupid question. Then we had a nice conversation on the phone for 2 hours until we went to bed last night.


But I don't know what to think. I think she is really loosing interest in me even though she says she is not. We haven't hung out in three days due to her being busy. And it just doesnt feel the same as it use to when we first got together three months ago. I really hope this is some sort of phase because if not then I can feel a break up occurring really soon.

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I would just give her a bit of space. You cannot smother her with your love. Let her know you love her and our there of course, but let her reach out to you if she feels distant. Let her work her feelings out and things should be ok.

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Three months is the classic time period for the end of the honeymoon phase. It doesn't mean a breakup will occur (although that's always possible), but it does mean that the intensity of the early romance may start to fade at this point, and the relationship settle into a less energetic pattern that's more manageable in the long term. It's always sad when the other person starts to feel it before you do, but you'll get used to. Just don't cling too hard, or try to reverse time in this respect, but instead embrace the new way of doing things. If you cling, then you may well drive her away and you don't want to do that.

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i very much agree with the other posters. chill out a little. now is a good time to pick up a new hobby, or get involved in a sport. don't smother her. sign up for something to fill your time, and maybe she'll be the one missing you when you are off at karate practice or beach volleyball or whatever.

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thats what i want, for her to miss me. i feel like she isn't even missing me, though she says she is. so a quick update. yesterday we were suppose to hang out most of the day but the night before she explained to me how her dad and her made plans to spend the day together. i wasn't mad or upset, i was kind of happy that she is getting to spend time with her father because he is always on business trips and is always busy. around 10pm i started freaking out because i didn't know where she was and the thought of her ditching me for someone else that day came into my mind. she finally got home around 11:30pm and we were online and of course she was being general with me again. no i love you, no anything. so i called her to see what was the matter and if something was on her mind and she told me everything was fine. then i started to break down and cry over the stupid phone and i spilled my guts out to her about how much i loved her and how much i missed her all day. she started crying as well and she apologized about how she was a bad gf for not keeping in touch with me these past days. i just dont know what to think anymore. i think my head is going to explode

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no. she told me she was going to call me this morning. but its 12:18pm and still no phone call. we usually call each other in the morning, but i am waiting for her to call me because i know sometimes she sleeps in, the latest sometimes 1:30pm, and she was up late last night so i wouldn't doubt if she is still sleeping.

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DynoMITE5 (12:35:17 AM): hey

DynoMITE5 (12:35:32 AM): im sorry i cant talk to you on the phone

DjTechnicz (12:35:32 AM): hey

DjTechnicz (12:35:37 AM): its ok

DjTechnicz (12:35:39 AM): really it isss

DjTechnicz (12:36:02 AM): im sorry for being such a wreckk

DjTechnicz (12:36:05 AM):

DynoMITE5 (12:36:27 AM): noooo stop saying sorrry !

DynoMITE5 (12:36:33 AM): you didnt do anything

DynoMITE5 (12:36:35 AM): i did

DynoMITE5 (12:36:37 AM): and im sorry

DynoMITE5 (12:36:41 AM): i made you sad

DynoMITE5 (12:36:42 AM): and

DynoMITE5 (12:36:50 AM): i didnt call you all dayy

DynoMITE5 (12:36:51 AM): and

DynoMITE5 (12:36:57 AM): im soooo sorry

DynoMITE5 (12:37:02 AM): im a bad gf

DjTechnicz (12:37:10 AM): no * * * !

DjTechnicz (12:37:20 AM): i understand you didnt call becuz you were with your dad

DjTechnicz (12:37:27 AM): and i just freaked out online tonight thats all

DjTechnicz (12:37:32 AM): ur not a bad gf !

DjTechnicz (12:37:39 AM): i promise you you are nott

DjTechnicz (12:37:47 AM): dont ever say that again !

DjTechnicz (12:37:53 AM): becu i know thats not true

DynoMITE5 (12:37:53 AM): okay im sorry

DjTechnicz (12:38:01 AM): ur not a bad gf

DynoMITE5 (12:38:08 AM): okay

DjTechnicz (12:38:14 AM): ur an amazing one

DjTechnicz (12:38:19 AM): and i love you soo soo much

DynoMITE5 (12:38:26 AM): i love you tooo a lot !

DjTechnicz (12:38:45 AM): and im sorry for spilling my guts out on the phone

DjTechnicz (12:38:54 AM): but i wanted you to know how i felt

DjTechnicz (12:39:04 AM): and what was runnng thru my mind

DynoMITE5 (12:39:11 AM): its okay im glad you told me

DynoMITE5 (12:39:16 AM): and im sorrrrry

DjTechnicz (12:39:32 AM): i just wish i could be with you all the time

DjTechnicz (12:39:37 AM): dont be sorry

DynoMITE5 (12:39:52 AM): yesss i amm sorry

DjTechnicz (12:40:10 AM): well you can be sorry

DjTechnicz (12:40:24 AM): for nothing

DjTechnicz (12:40:29 AM): but likeee

DjTechnicz (12:40:41 AM): i really truly miss you

DjTechnicz (12:40:55 AM): like it hurts so much not seeing you

DjTechnicz (12:41:02 AM): like it literally hurts

DjTechnicz (12:41:13 AM): and i guess thats what love feels like

DjTechnicz (12:41:21 AM): becuz i have never felt it before

DynoMITE5 (12:41:34 AM): im sooooooooooooorry i cant come out

DjTechnicz (12:41:44 AM): no its ok babe !

DjTechnicz (12:41:48 AM): i wish you could

DjTechnicz (12:41:57 AM): but im not going to get mad over something stupidddd

DjTechnicz (12:42:04 AM): im sad yess i cant see you

DjTechnicz (12:42:09 AM): but i hope to seee you soon

DynoMITE5 (12:42:33 AM): like tomorrow

DynoMITE5 (12:42:34 AM):

DjTechnicz (12:42:40 AM): yeah tomorrow !

DjTechnicz (12:42:56 AM): but im not sure if my work wants me to work tomorrow at 3

DjTechnicz (12:43:00 AM): becuz im on call

DynoMITE5 (12:43:08 AM): oh okay

DjTechnicz (12:43:18 AM): but i think im going to call them tomorrow morning

DynoMITE5 (12:43:25 AM): okay

DjTechnicz (12:43:26 AM): and tell them i cant come in

DjTechnicz (12:43:30 AM): okays?

DjTechnicz (12:43:35 AM): becuz i want to be with you

DynoMITE5 (12:43:44 AM): okayy

DjTechnicz (12:43:44 AM): and i want to be with you more oftennn

DynoMITE5 (12:43:50 AM): yeah same here

DjTechnicz (12:44:04 AM): and like im going crazy not seeing you even for two stupid days

DjTechnicz (12:44:18 AM):

DjTechnicz (12:44:46 AM): i seriously doubt i could ever love someone as much as i love you kayla

DjTechnicz (12:44:54 AM): i wrote something for you today

DjTechnicz (12:45:09 AM): but i pretty much said all of it on the phonee

DynoMITE5 (12:45:49 AM): okay

DynoMITE5 (12:45:51 AM): wait

DynoMITE5 (12:46:03 AM): what were you going to give me that was long ?

DjTechnicz (12:46:23 AM): i got you a purple rose

DjTechnicz (12:46:26 AM):

DynoMITE5 (12:46:44 AM): awwww thats cute i thought it was worms

DynoMITE5 (12:46:46 AM):

DjTechnicz (12:46:52 AM): lol noooo

DynoMITE5 (12:46:55 AM): hahaha

DynoMITE5 (12:46:57 AM):

DjTechnicz (12:46:58 AM): its dying tho

DjTechnicz (12:47:01 AM):

DynoMITE5 (12:47:09 AM): ohhhh thats sad im sorrrry

DjTechnicz (12:47:14 AM): its okkk

DjTechnicz (12:47:21 AM): i was going t giv it to you tonight

DjTechnicz (12:47:29 AM): but its okayyy, i can get you another one hopefullly

DjTechnicz (12:47:51 AM): and i hope im not freaking you out about me loving you so much

DynoMITE5 (12:47:54 AM): awww im sorrrrry

DynoMITE5 (12:48:06 AM): no way your not !

DynoMITE5 (12:48:12 AM): i love you a super lot tooo

DjTechnicz (12:48:18 AM): okays

DjTechnicz (12:48:28 AM):

DjTechnicz (12:49:14 AM): uggg i feeel stupid for cryingggg

DjTechnicz (12:49:28 AM): guys shouldnt cryyyyy

DynoMITE5 (12:49:43 AM): no dont feel stupid

DynoMITE5 (12:49:46 AM): its okay

DynoMITE5 (12:49:56 AM): you actually made me start toooo

DynoMITE5 (12:49:59 AM): im sooooorry

DynoMITE5 (12:50:00 AM): grrrr

DynoMITE5 (12:50:05 AM): im gay

DynoMITE5 (12:50:09 AM): i didnt mean to be mean

DynoMITE5 (12:50:12 AM): i promise

DjTechnicz (12:50:31 AM): nooo i didnt want you to cryyyy

DjTechnicz (12:50:41 AM): i know, it just happened

DjTechnicz (12:50:44 AM): it wasnt intentional

DjTechnicz (12:50:49 AM): just miscommunication

DynoMITE5 (12:51:19 AM): okayy

DjTechnicz (12:51:27 AM): just like i never want you to tell me ever tht i dont feel the way you do about me

DjTechnicz (12:51:37 AM): i feel exactly the same about you if not more !

DjTechnicz (12:51:47 AM): sometimes i think about you so much i cryyy

DjTechnicz (12:51:57 AM): becuz im a d0rk

DjTechnicz (12:52:08 AM):

DynoMITE5 (12:52:37 AM): you not a dork and im sooo sotty for saying that

DynoMITE5 (12:52:39 AM): i really am

DjTechnicz (12:52:53 AM): its okays

DjTechnicz (12:52:57 AM): i dont think you meant it

DjTechnicz (12:53:02 AM): it was the night you were angry

DjTechnicz (12:53:14 AM): but still, a lot of it was truee

DjTechnicz (12:53:28 AM): it felt like it was stuff you were meaning to say to me but never wanted too

DjTechnicz (12:53:42 AM): i deleted the message becuz i didnt want to read it again

DynoMITE5 (12:53:43 AM): im ssssssoooo sorry

DjTechnicz (12:53:48 AM): its ok babe

DjTechnicz (12:53:54 AM): i rather know

DynoMITE5 (12:53:55 AM): no its not

DynoMITE5 (12:53:59 AM): im sorry

DynoMITE5 (12:54:03 AM): really i am

DjTechnicz (12:54:03 AM): no babe

DynoMITE5 (12:54:04 AM): grrr

DynoMITE5 (12:54:05 AM): im gay

DjTechnicz (12:54:08 AM): none of this is your fault

DjTechnicz (12:54:13 AM): i proimse

DynoMITE5 (12:54:25 AM): okay

DynoMITE5 (12:54:30 AM):

DjTechnicz (12:54:31 AM): you were just mad in the message thats all its ok

DjTechnicz (12:54:39 AM): i would have blown up too

DjTechnicz (12:54:43 AM): but i love you kayla

DjTechnicz (12:54:47 AM): a lottt

DjTechnicz (12:55:02 AM): and everytime i say it to you

DjTechnicz (12:55:06 AM): it comes from deep inside me

DynoMITE5 (12:55:17 AM): same here

DjTechnicz (12:55:17 AM): and it takes everything i have to say it

DynoMITE5 (12:55:21 AM): i mean it alot !

DynoMITE5 (12:55:23 AM): i doo!

DjTechnicz (12:55:25 AM): becuz i mean it soo soo much

DjTechnicz (12:55:28 AM): i know babe

DynoMITE5 (12:55:32 AM): okay

DynoMITE5 (12:55:37 AM): well im like beat

DynoMITE5 (12:55:41 AM): can i go to bed

DynoMITE5 (12:55:47 AM): or you want me to stay up ?

DynoMITE5 (12:56:00 AM): cause i will

DjTechnicz (12:56:02 AM): forlike 10 moreminutes?

DynoMITE5 (12:56:11 AM): okay

DjTechnicz (12:56:12 AM): im just really happy im talking to you

DjTechnicz (12:56:17 AM): and im sorry your tireddd

DjTechnicz (12:56:21 AM): ill let you go to bed soon

DynoMITE5 (12:56:22 AM): yeah i am happy too

DynoMITE5 (12:56:28 AM): okay

DjTechnicz (12:56:39 AM): and like one more thing

DjTechnicz (12:56:49 AM): the thought of loosing you crossed my mind today

DjTechnicz (12:56:58 AM): and i swear it was the worst feeling in the worlddd

DjTechnicz (12:57:02 AM): i dunno why i thought of it

DynoMITE5 (12:57:02 AM): what !

DynoMITE5 (12:57:08 AM): you want too ?

DynoMITE5 (12:57:20 AM): what am i doing wronggg

DjTechnicz (12:57:24 AM): no no no no !!!!!!!

DynoMITE5 (12:57:26 AM): omg im sorrrry

DjTechnicz (12:57:34 AM): no babe like i worried

DjTechnicz (12:57:43 AM): and i thought about it for some stupid idiotic reason

DjTechnicz (12:57:47 AM): and i freaked out

DjTechnicz (12:57:50 AM): thats why i freaked out

DjTechnicz (12:57:54 AM): your not doing anything wrong

DjTechnicz (12:57:59 AM): im just an idiot for freaking out

DynoMITE5 (12:58:00 AM): ohhh well can i tell you something

DjTechnicz (12:58:03 AM): yes?

DynoMITE5 (12:58:14 AM): okay stop thinking you are going to lose me

DynoMITE5 (12:58:17 AM): please

DynoMITE5 (12:58:26 AM): it makes me sad when you say that

DjTechnicz (12:58:35 AM): i know and im sorry

DjTechnicz (12:58:43 AM): i will never bring it up or think about it again

DjTechnicz (12:58:51 AM): i hope you know that you will NEVER lose me

DynoMITE5 (12:58:54 AM): okay

DynoMITE5 (12:58:57 AM): i dooo

DjTechnicz (12:58:58 AM): i swear to god you will never lose me

DjTechnicz (12:59:03 AM): i love youuu soo soo * * * * ing much

DynoMITE5 (12:59:17 AM): i love you toooooo bunchesssssssss

DjTechnicz (12:59:17 AM): that nothing in the world that you do would even phase me

DynoMITE5 (12:59:22 AM): and bunchesssss

DjTechnicz (12:59:36 AM): my love for you is so so strong that it just overpowers anything

DjTechnicz (12:59:43 AM):

DjTechnicz (12:59:55 AM): i will never bring that up ever again i promise

DynoMITE5 (1:00:00 AM): okay

DjTechnicz (1:00:07 AM): becuz i know it makes you sad

DjTechnicz (1:00:13 AM): and thats not what i want to do at all !

DjTechnicz (1:00:24 AM): ohh hey you should comment my new pics lol

DjTechnicz (1:00:31 AM):

DynoMITE5 (1:01:05 AM): lol can i tomorrow im not on

DynoMITE5 (1:01:07 AM): but i willl

DjTechnicz (1:01:13 AM): okays that good

DjTechnicz (1:01:18 AM): but i feel so much better

DjTechnicz (1:01:29 AM): like i feel like i can tell you anything

DynoMITE5 (1:01:30 AM): yeah me too

DynoMITE5 (1:01:35 AM): weeee thats goood

DjTechnicz (1:01:36 AM): and that feeling feels so good

DynoMITE5 (1:01:41 AM): i can tell you anything

DjTechnicz (1:01:45 AM): yay !

DjTechnicz (1:02:02 AM): i can trust you with anything i tell you and i know you will be understanding

DjTechnicz (1:02:08 AM): and i love having you there for me so much

DjTechnicz (1:02:16 AM): and i hope you know im here for you about anything

DynoMITE5 (1:02:25 AM): i know you are !

DjTechnicz (1:02:33 AM): and i will help you anyway possible !

DynoMITE5 (1:02:40 AM): i knowww

DynoMITE5 (1:02:43 AM):

DjTechnicz (1:03:02 AM): i love you sooooooo much kayla ! i cant even explain what i fel for you anymore, its indescribable.

DjTechnicz (1:03:08 AM): feel*

DynoMITE5 (1:03:23 AM): i love you sooooo soooo soooo soooo much toooo

DynoMITE5 (1:03:27 AM): like insanely

DjTechnicz (1:03:40 AM): yay !

DynoMITE5 (1:03:49 AM):

DjTechnicz (1:03:53 AM): anddddd im happy i got to talk to you on the hne

DjTechnicz (1:03:56 AM): i feel much better

DynoMITE5 (1:04:05 AM): weeee

DynoMITE5 (1:04:12 AM): i will call you in the morning ?

DjTechnicz (1:04:23 AM): oh and sorry for calling you last night at 3 am, i just wantd to let you know that i loved you

DjTechnicz (1:04:32 AM): yes babi call me in the monrning

DynoMITE5 (1:04:42 AM): its okayyy it made me smile

DjTechnicz (1:04:53 AM): okays babe, yeah i was thinking about you

DjTechnicz (1:04:59 AM): like i woke up

DjTechnicz (1:05:04 AM): and you came into my head

DjTechnicz (1:05:07 AM): so i called you quickk

DynoMITE5 (1:05:13 AM): lol

DynoMITE5 (1:05:14 AM):

DjTechnicz (1:05:15 AM): lol

DynoMITE5 (1:05:17 AM): weeee

DjTechnicz (1:05:17 AM):

DynoMITE5 (1:05:21 AM): okay bed time ?

DjTechnicz (1:05:30 AM): yes babe bedtime

DjTechnicz (1:05:36 AM): for me too cuz im tiredd

DynoMITE5 (1:05:41 AM): okayyyss

DynoMITE5 (1:05:51 AM): i love you a bunch !

DynoMITE5 (1:06:01 AM): gooooodnight !

DynoMITE5 (1:06:03 AM):

DjTechnicz (1:06:08 AM): i love you bunches too !

DjTechnicz (1:06:12 AM): goodnight !

DjTechnicz (1:06:18 AM): i have my cell if you need anything

DjTechnicz (1:06:20 AM): okays?

DynoMITE5 (1:06:22 AM): okayy

DjTechnicz (1:06:37 AM): okays goodnight cherripie

DynoMITE5 (1:06:44 AM): goodnight

DynoMITE5 (1:06:44 AM):

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yall sound very cute and happy together...do you really want to end that just bc she couldn't hang out for three days?? Also, this is gonna sound very weird but before you can care and love someone alot you have to take care of yourself too. you know how when your in an airplane and they tell you in case of an emergency strap your own oxygen mask on before you try to help other people. think about it if you try to help them first you might not be able to do it and then you wont have any air either. then you will both be in huge trouble... so yes this sounds selfish but make sure you take care of yourself just as much as you take care of her. and becareful don't assume she will give you just as much love as you give her, you have to give love without expecting anything back......but be happy when she gives it back bc she gives it of her own free will bc she wants to not bc she has to.

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