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I need help with something, obviously...please read.


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Well, I'm a 20 year old male who looks and sounds like he's 16. Well, i know there really isn't much I can do about my looks, but is there any way that I can deepen my voice?? Does anyone know any way of doing that? If so, please let me know. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


(it was kind of embarrassing because I called one my my friends, who's a girl, and this was the first time she would have ever heard my voice. And one of her friends got the message and said I sound like i haven't reached puberty yet...no i take that back, that's VERY embarrassing, and one more example: I talked to another friend on the phone for the first time, who also is a girl, and she said I sounded like her brother. And I asked how old he was and she said 16, also embarrassing).

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That will all pass soon. You may be a late Bloomer and still have a lot of physical growing to do. Just look at it this way....when you're 50 and look 30 will you care then?


Talk to your doctor about this see what he says. You may have some growing to do still. I had a friend who was 5'4" when he graduated high school now he's 5'11" it just took him a little longer than most to grow and look older. As for me....I like the way I am. I never have problems meeting women. Though I do find myself meeting really young girls 18-20 and they always love me.


You'll be fine!! It will all pay off as you get older. You're only 20 dude!

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Well the only thing that I can think of is smoking for 30 years. But I dont think that will help you. The only things that you can do will hurt you voice and that will make it lower but it will hurt and you might have a rasp. There is nothing wrong about haveing a non deep voice. You should become a singer teners make alot of money and girls love them.

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Yeah, Cid is totally right... smoke for 30 years, that'll do it!! Just kidding. Don't mess with your voice, I believe that all our quirks are given to us for a reason! For instance, I have an odd quirk that makes me think guys with glasses are sexy... so thereforeeee, in the future, my soulmate will wear glasses. Right?!?! And YOUR soulmate will find younger voices but mature minds sexy.


Or you could be just a late bloomer... believe what you wanna believe.

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lol I haven't heard of people sucessfully making their voices sound deeper except for the usual trying to sound deeper method, I didn't know that it could hurt eventually but I haven't tried it enough so yea sorry bud, can't help you much.


Just think about it this way, everyone's got ups and downs, this probably is ur down so think of somethin ur good at and be proud of it.


Happy Heb

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I don't think that there is anyway to deepen your voice, I don't know, vocal cord surgery or testosterone pills or shots (don't really know if there are even things out there like that). As for your situation, you being 20 and looking and sounding like your younger, isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm 24, and I look like I'm 16, I was actuallly told by my mom's friend thatI looked like I was 13. I do have a deep voice though, so that helps a bit.

It just may take some time for you.



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