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Suggestions for meaningful book to read?


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Anyone know any good books for personal growth after a hard break up or simply getting through a period of hard work and demanding circumstances?


It can be a novel about someone's personal experiences (preferably a true story) or just general advice.


I want to read something meaningful and full of truth. (granted that can be kinda relative on perspectives and/or a tall order.)



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I hear the book "Eat, Pray, Love" or wahtever it's called is perfect for this sort of situation. I haven't read it, but when I was at a really down moment in my life just recently, someone suggested that to me. Someone else may know waht I'm talking about.

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I found the count of monte christo to be particularily useful. The first half of the book while he is in prison is particularily uplifting.


I also enjoyed 'For the term of his natural life'.


Something about other people's suffering and their escape into uncomfortable happiness makes us realise how good we might have it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

itsallgrand wrote:

You can't go wrong with Viktor Frankl.


"Man's search for meaning" is a classic, and worth it's weight in gold as far as I am concerned.

I got a copy of the book and it is very insightful. Thank you.


Still looking for more books if anyone has suggestions.


My current situation is that I am working a very stressful job for only a small amount of what the job should be paying, I'm feeling somewhat lonely in life outside school while working all the time and I'm still overcoming a great deal of heartbreak over some one I trully loved.


Any works that bare relevance to even a part of my situation would be very appreciated.

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A New Earth - Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle (The same author as The Power of Now that Kuiks recommended). I haven't read it yet,just bought it a couple of days ago after waiting forever at the library and I'm still several hundred down on the waiting list. Anyway, it's supposed to be amazing...Oprah has even offered free webcasts on her website about it along with the author. (they're every Monday night, but so many people want to do it that she's offering them for download, there are workbooks, etc.). It's supposed to be life-changing. We'll see, but it's come highly recommended from a couple of my friends.

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  • 1 month later...
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.


It's not about love, and it yes it is about a seagull BUT I found it inspiring and it may just help generally. =) Might be hard to find though I'm not sure, my copy's 14 years old. Lol.


I LOVE that book!


It's about a seagull but the story is very meaningful and symbolic. So it's not *really* about a seagull. It's one of my all time favorites.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Since U know best what would interest you, why not go to library/store & sample books? or read books reviews.


Personally, (K, I don't like dr Phil show--he brings drama on) But, his book "Life strategies" was one of the best I've read. It has lots of insights & applicable info. It gave me power to fix lots of problems that I was having. Also, it let me understand my self, & others. This book can defiantly change U'r life if U follow it.

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