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okay, I was in my social class, and a topic came up about women in the workforce, and elsewhere. And I just wanted to hear what you guys thought about this. Women in today's workforce can have the same education a man has, yet, they are payed less. A woman studying to be a social worker gets 80 cents out of every dollar a man makes. Its worse in some other jobs. Why is it right to do that, when the woman studyed the same amount of time, and learned the same amount of material as the male worker? How can anyone justify that? that's discrimination in my opinion. And its upseting to know that I could study as hard as any man, and yet would have to settle for less pay. what's the difference between that, and discrimination against race?

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You're right - it is wrong that it happens. Although what you are describing is discrimination based on sex - not race. Two people equally qualified for the same job and performing at the same level deserve the same pay - period.

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