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please someone give me advice

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my boyfriend and i went out for over two years. We are highschool sweethearts, i met him my freshmen year and now, over two years later we broke up. he signed up for the army after being with me for over a year. He'll be going into the army in less than 5 months, and he broke up with me out of the blue. He told me he will never get back with me, and that i was too bitchy and whiney. so then he told me hed like to see me on my birthday which valentines day, after he said all these cruel things. at school he watches me and i feel like walking up and talking to him, but he already told me not to. he told me not to call him, that he doesnt even want to be friends. at school, his body language shows hes really jeaous, hes constantly watching me. i want him back so bad, i just need advice on how to make him approach me. i know he loves me, but hed rather go out with his friends right now i guess, how can i win him back tho?? please help!!!!

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babe listen...trust me plz he doesnt mean it...my bf said i was worthless and ***ed my 2 best friend. which are not my best friends anymore. its been another year and me and my bf are great...try geting with him no matter what he says...its gonna hurt awhile but if ur wililng do it... trust me ...than if he just keeps doing it...ignore him...it took my bf 4 months to come back...he only does it because he doesnt want u to be hurt. trust me...he says things so its easier for u to get over him...keep trying and than ignore him out of the blue...dotn be trying to make him jealous...just look at him sad and put ur head down and walk away every time u see him,b ut dont call him annnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyymore or anything... mix signals are great...if u need help my sn is at the bottom...im always online!

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I personally feel that he is playing games. It may be that he wants you, or it may be that he doesn't want you. In this situation, I feel that you should give him his wish. I wouldn't call him and I wouldn't aproach him in the hallway. I would speak periodically, but i would show him that I'm on a much higher level than he is and doesn't have time to play games. The truth is that you want to be with him, but its not worth the bullshit and humility that he is putting you through. If he loves you, either he will respect that and know that you deserve better. (Or) He will acknowledge what he have and stop playing lil boy games. But whatever the outcome, know that everything happens for a reason. Things may not work out with him, but then a couple of months later you might meet someone who is worth your time. Always remember, "everything happens for a reason."

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