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What Event In Your Life Caused The Most Personal Growth


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I found falling in love and then getting blindsided by the woman when she left me for another man was the event which caused me to want to grow and to become a better person.


I'm not quite that fatalistic, to be sure!


Realizing that I knew what I wanted was a very casual thing. It was as simple as being in a classroom.


Now, it did take losing the girl I love to embrace how I could make the whole of it happen... But that would have occurred anyway.


I have many.


When I moved out on my own.


When my boyfriend of five years died (I was 22, he was just shy of 26).


When I moved in with my boyfriend and the years I have lived with him - it's a growth experience everyday!


When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer just before Christmas two years ago. The entire two years since.


When I decided to go back to school again and DID go through with it.


When I decided to get help for my eating disorder/depression many years ago and healed from it.


When I decided to not be so scared of failure or "looking bad", and just DO IT. This is everything from taking up new sports and interests, to going back to school, to taking on volunteer work or other projects.


Interestingly, my interest in sport over the years - mountain biking, running, yoga, adventure racing - have all been wonderful for my personal growth as they give me opportunities to test my limits, my abilities and really learn about myself in the process.


Realizing, through many years, I am the one responsible for my path in life. I can't always control what happens to me or in my life, but I CAN be responsible for how I react to them, what I learn from them and how I grown from them.


I guarantee my future is full of these kind of moments, some good, some bad...but all part of life and my own personal growth.


Definitely my most recent break up, which forced me to really see my ex clearly and which also forced me to come to terms with my father's death from nearly 3 years ago (strange how one loss triggers us to come to terms with a previous loss) and to realize who my father really was (which I didn't see until recently). It's also changed the way I see myself and the way I see other people - I see them in "high definition" now, meaning I read people much better now than I used to and can see their insecurities more clearly (probably because I now see mine).


It's been one hell of a few months and I've definitely grown emotionally.

The moment I realised nothing matters anymore. We live, and we die. That's the nature of life.


And that realization also came to me recently, too - learning to let go of things I cannot control.


I would have to say my most recent breakup. I never realized how much other stuff I had bottled up inside me. As with you L4L, I think I finally really faced the emotions of my mother passing a few years ago, something I never really let myself do before since my thought had been on the wellbeing of my father for so long.


Two major events...


1 - At 16, facing expulsion from school, a few felony charges, sleeping behind bars before being cleared to being taken to a hospital for detox. It took some time to get straightened out, but I did it. My life really changed for the better and I grew like crazy.


2 - At 21, I let too many good things in my life get to my head. I never reverted back to drugs, but I really picked up drinking, turned into a frat boy, starting hanging with the wrong crowd, etc. I rode it for a solid two years before crashing and burning. LT girlfriend couldn't tolerate me anymore and left, still managed to graduate college with honors but lost out on magna cum laude status, had my car stolen, lost a good job at a law firm, watched some old friends start to do really well for themselves and I got on a pity pod, etc. When it rains it pours. I took it upon myself to change my life around, which inclided no more booze, getting new friends, a new healthy lifestyle, new job, going back to school, etc. I'm still growing and building up my life, but it's been a 180.


For me, when I really apply myself, I obtain a LOT of success in all areas of life. But when I really crash and burn it's my own doing. I let things get to my head, I take things for granted, I become a complacent jerk and I stop growing. The answer, for me, is to nurture relationships, continue to work hard in whatever it is that I am doing, stay away from the wrong crowd, and be grateful for where I am at and what I have. If I do those things, everything else seems to really fall into place.


How could I forget?


the buckeyes loss in the NC game last year was as humiliated and heartbroken as I've ever been. really had to dig deep to move past that one.

How could I forget?


the buckeyes loss in the NC game last year was as humiliated and heartbroken as I've ever been. really had to dig deep to move past that one.



Yeah, that was a tough one, huh? Heh, heh. Courtesy of Gainesville, Florida! We all felt bad for ya.....

Weren't there 2 National Championships in the same year that the Buckeyes lost to that team in Florida, or something like that?


o...now see. why'd you have to go and do that?


When I chose to leave home at 17, and when I chose to leave an emotionally abusive relationship at 19. Since then, I've been on a steady course, and wouldn't change my past for anything.


Army. Before that I always thought that I was somehow inferior to other guys, a "sissy" or domething, but damn, most of the guys there had way harder time than me. I actually have trong will nerves of steel, and knowing that it's lot easier to go through every-day life.


Being in a physically abusive relationship for 4 years. After going thru that, I grew alot stronger and much wiser. It made me want to succeed in life because he tried so hard to break me. But I survived and I'm alive even after all he has done to me so I know I am still in this world for a reason.


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