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Please Help Me Out


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for starters i am 14 and my girlfriend is 11 (whould u consider me a perv)


I keep been called a perv so plz tell me if i am.


I have been with this girl for 4 year now i think i love her


but she kissed another lad so i sat her down and asked who she wanted i allways say to her its up to her who she stay's with


she picked me and i whould like to know if i should take this further.


the reason for this is i do love her she does'nt smoke or Drink and this lad she likes SMOKES AND TAKES DRUGS do u think it is allright for me to tell her to stay away from him and make her stay away just to keep her in good health am i doing the good or bad thing


I really need help


dont be patronising to her! Sure, she's young, but no need to go making rules in light of her health even if you do care for her. It's her life.


Don't have such a bad view of drinking and drugs anyway, it can be a social thing, and in your later teenage years i'm sure you'll be participate in at least drinking!!


It's difficult to decide whether it's real love when you're 14, and she's 11. You've know eachother a lot, but teenage years are so testing on a relationship, and things will get harder, and things will undoubtedly change. Try to take it easy, don't set any specific rules or be too clingy! When i was 11, i knew plenty of girls going out with older guys, and they were often over protective, and it's not too cool at that age.


I don't think you're a pervert, but it's a bit... odd...


Either way, if you've seriously been dating a year that is a hell of a long time at your ages. I'm amazed to be honest. That said, she's a child and is going to want to have fun and kiss guys. I personally think you should look into dating girls your own age.


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