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So apparently I just found out I am an INTP. I took a test (not online). I would say that I am about 70% INTP and the other 30% is something else.

Is that mostly accurate for other people who know their types? It says that I don't like to be controlled but for some reason I allow people to control my life. I don't like it, but I don't know how to get rid of these people...because they claim I'm their best friend.

Are there any other INTPs out there? I really don't know if I really am!


Are you talking about Myers-Briggs?


I'm an INTP - only 1% of the population, including Einstein and Darwin (whoop!)


I'm a slight I, Moderate N, Moderate T and Clear P.


I don't remember reading anything in the description about being controlled, though.

Nah, ENFP here. I know an INTP though. Smart guy. Always has his head in the clouds with endless theorizing though. But I guess he can't help it...


My ex is an ENFP.


My opinion - while it may be "nice" to know where you are on a Myers-Briggs, it's fairly irrelevant in day to day living. I'm old (44!) and took the M-B years and years ago and don't remember how I scored. Never once have I been asked at work, at play, or anywhere about my M-B orientation.


Go live life. Be whomever you want to be. A test doesn't define you. YOU define you.

What was he like?


Was he moody?


Well, he's manic-depressive, but is medicated. Very limited in emotional range (whether due to the meds or not, I don't know). Very charming and personable if he wants to be. VERY lazy (extreme in the P) - prefers to sleep than do anything.

Well, he's manic-depressive, but is medicated. Very limited in emotional range (whether due to the meds or not, I don't know). Very charming and personable if he wants to be. VERY lazy (extreme in the P) - prefers to sleep than do anything.



I understand how you see him as lazy since my son is also bipolar. I even bought him Homer Simpson PJ's that said, "American Idle". That was before diagnosis. I so regret that now. And my son is very limited in emotional range since being medicated, where before his emotions were all over the place.

I understand how you see him as lazy since my son is also bipolar. I even bought him Homer Simpson PJ's that said, "American Idle". That was before diagnosis. I so regret that now. And my son is very limited in emotional range since being medicated, where before his emotions were all over the place.


I didn't know my ex before the medication, and I know that one of the side effects of his meds was fatigue, so I forgave him his almost constant napping. Still, he procrastinated too much. I did here stories about his depression and mania and his trips to mental hospitals, etc. I guess he's better off now, but it's very sad to see someone so limited in emotion. And then he said I was unstable. Go figure.

Well obviously not all ENFPs are bipolar.


Not saying they are. I was never sure how much of him was the way he was due to his manic-depression and how much was just basic personality/behavioral tendencies.

I'm an INTJ, and we're supposed to be the weirdest of the bunch.


Weird in what way?


I know Einstein, Darwin, and Carl Jung are examples of INTPs. How much weirder does it get than that? ;-)


Hey Dougie. I believe I am INTP (sometimes tests say I am INTJ). Can you give the address of that test which says something about not wanting to be controlled but letting others control you? I think that does describe me but I haven't read anything like that related to a Myers-Briggs result before.


I'm an INTP. I definitely don't let others to control my life - never have. The real question here isn't whether you're an INTP or something else.. it's why do you allow people to control you if it's not what you want from your life?

The weird thing is, how could we possibly know their types when they never actually took the test, since it was made long after their deaths? LOL




To comment on the post about INTP's allowing others to control them, I can't stand when other people try to manipulate me or blatantly tell me what to do. And, in return, I allow others to do as they please. This definitely doesn't apply to me.


However - and I don't know if it's an INTP thing, or a "me" thing - I'm a Clear P, and so laid back and go-with-the-flow that I think sometimes I allow myself to be a bit of a pushover. The thing is, though, I don't get angry about it. I recognize it as a choice. I just choose to pick VERY few battles in my life and oftentimes prefer to keep the peace rather than make a stink over something that won't matter in the long run.


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