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Too good to be true?


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I'm a 16 year old junior and this year I met a 14 year old freshman guy and we have a lot in common.


Firstly, I didn't say that I liked any of this, they just came up in casual conversation.

--I've always wanted to swing dance, and it's his favorite type (he's a dancer)

--He loves country, showtunes, classical, and jazz music and I do too

--We have a mutual like for Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus

--He's always wanted to live on a farm in TN...strangely it's been my dream since I was young

--We go to the same Catholic chruch and picked the same confirmation name



Sometimes I think that he's probably going to be a better friend than anything else and plus there is his age to consider. (two years is a big difference in high school) He's probably just going to end up on my long list of guy friends...*sigh*


Oh ok.


Well I agree when you say in 'high school' that is a big difference. 16 & 14. To me that's still a little boy.


Boys at any age aren't mature but at that age even more so.


Get to know him as a friend and keep it that way


Eh, it's hard to say. In high school 16 and 14 is a huge age gap. Then take into consideration the social dynamic of high school and you guys are in trouble. Later in life, 2 years is nothing.


Hannah Montana, show tunes, swing dancing? Red flags are going off here.


I'd keep things light and see how they progress. Just remember that what you feel is right is right, regardless of what your friends tell you.




I dunno I feel the same as some others, that it's a little young. But I also know this 14 year old who is the awesomest kid I've ever met. He's a really good friend but I sort of had a crush on him and thought about it and I think I could've made an exception with the age thing for him. So it really all depends on your own personal feelings.

Well, let the friendship progress still! Who knows?! In time, you guys could become an item.


do not let the friendship progress unless that's what you want. show some intent. if you like him, go for it.


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