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200 push-ups a day

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That's a lot, but you should focus on other muscle groups, as well. You're more likely going to tone your arms rather than make them huge. You'll definitely notice improvement in both strength and definition, but unless you increase the load, you won't really be doing anything after a while as 200 will be as easy as doing 5. My advice is to get a weight set (you could probably get one for about $100) and work out your whole upper body.


Here's some tips:


You'll get more mass if you lift higher amounts of weight fewer times, and you'll get more tone if you lift lesser amounts of weight fewer times.


Don't over do it (only lift every other day...MWF are good workout days), and you should be able to do all your lifting in perfect form.


Don't use momentum to lift the weight, and don't use gravity to lower it...you're doing nothing this way.


Lastly...stick with it. You won't become Hulk Hogan overnight. It can take months before you really start to notice, but the only way to get stronger is to lift, so don't get discouraged and stop because if you give up, you're not helping anything, either. Personally, I do three sets of eight reps of each exercise on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays (I can't do MWF because of classes) and in the last few months, I've noticed much improvement.

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200 push ups is pretty good, but you need to hit the different muscle groups, and because there isnt a resistance that increases as you go stronger, growth will slow down.


the best way to cake on muscle, is increase your weights, do reps to failure, and increase protein intake, there are plenty of online site with rutines and instructions.


I hope your not doing this because of your female co-workers and their remarks.


good luck

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the other guys are right that you should be working out all your muscle groups. for instance i work out my arms one day. then my chest and shoulders another day. and then my back another day. i you are not sure what type of exercises to do there are plenty of websites out there that can help (for free). also i would also consider doing some cardio workouts. even eating different foods such as foods with lots of protein like fish or chicken. this will give you more energy and help you focus more on your work out.


good luck

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Work other muscles to counter act the push ups...if not the muscles you work will over ride the ones you don't work resulting in an injury....take it from me I hurt my shoulders by doing to much chest and not enough back/shoulders...now I balance the training for all muscles...take time off 3 days is good because muscles grow on the rest days...do chest and triceps one day, then back shoulders and biceps...then legs...then start over again....get abs in there too...there are some good routine examples on the internet.

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Lots of reps with a lower weight means tone. To build muscle, you should be aiming to lift about 75% (i might be off its been a little while) of your maximum rep weight (the most you can lift only once). If you cant quite figure that out aim to lift a weight that you can only lift 12-15 times, and those last 3 from 12-15 should really burn, you have to really push yourself to build the muscle. When your getting to 18-20 before you burn increase the weight. Dont overdo it and yes dont go too hard on one area.

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