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fell in love with a girl

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alright, i really really like this girl who i'm really really good friends with. we met about a year ago in science class, we'd pass notes and talk. i know she used to like me back then, she asked me out but under the circumstances it seemed like she was joking around. we've been good friends since but recently we just stopped talking, seemed like she was ignoring me (never returned phone calls, etc.). it went like this for about a month but now we're friends again, stronger then ever. she wrote me a note when we were in the process of becoming friends again. in the note she wrote a love poem by E. E. Cummings that her teacher had just handed out and told me to "think about it" and she wrote "i miss you so bad, it makes me so sad, and i don't want to end our... what we have" as if she didn't want to place friendship there. i'm crazy about her. so what do you think? does she like me?



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