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I like EX Girlfriends Best Friend problems advice needed

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It seems that I like my ex girlfriend good friend ...

OK in short words:


6 months with EX (Girl No1) I wasn't sure that I won't to be with her...

She was really trying helping me but I didn't feel that something...

Then when I introduce her to my friend just like nothing happened

she started to go out with him...

He damped her after 3 months he found another girl

She wants to be -I think- back with me .. I don't wan't to be with her at all...


I found that her friend (Girl No2) is much more like me more sensitive I just liked her from the beginning ...


My EX (girl No1) now (6 months after break) is making a problems to girl No2 so Girl No2 is a bit sad and I think her feelings are divided between friend(Girl No1) and me

Girl No1 even have courage to say: Poor Girl No2 You are bothering her ,she is pitty ...Why You didn't called me to go out together etc etc...

They live in same neighbourhood....


I really hate that part of her character...


I think she have that 'something' to manipulate with people especially Girl No2 ... What to do ? I wan't to go out with Girl No2 at least like a friend but she(No1) allways makes problems...


Girl No2 want's to go out with me but she is sad because her 'friend' No1

it seems have tooo big influence on her...


How to solve this triangle ? Maybe classic one but for me quite a big problem...



If I become rough with No1 she could turn No2 against me If I just sit and wait No1 wins

What could be No1 weak point how to solve this ?


Much Thanx

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I know you like #2 but if she is riends with your ex, you are asking for nothing but problems. I think you should go out and look for someone else completely and respect their friendship. So what if #1 "wins" it's not about winning and losing, its you being the bigger person. let her have her cake. Its not worth it to play tug of war because in the end, no matter how you look at it, that cake is gonna be crumbled into a million pieces if you do. (the cake is any relationship between the three of you) Even if you were to go out with #2, #1 would be causing problems all over the place and would turn her against you. So I would just let her and her friend be and go find someone else....

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Of course it is not question of 'wining' (sorry for my English and greetings from Europe ;-) it is plain that No1 left me and went with my friend withaout asking or feeling anything ... (not worth to mention that my friend is driving new coupe just ocasionally)


And now 6 months later when I beginning to feel better and found courage to go out with No2 who is very similar too me sensitive,shy,she(No1) must ruin everything? I don't feel anything good for her anymore I just felt very disappointed in her for months and now I am just feeling angry at moments...


What kind of character she (No1) have ???


I don't think You are right, it is just not fair ...I really don't won't to break their friendship, just want that No2 is happy, about No1,after all she done with my friend,after I catched STI from her (once again she didn't tell a truth) and after what is she doing now it is not worth thinking too much...IMHO otherwise I'm just destroying myself...

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I liked No 2 from beginning when I first time met them,I was ill, No1 just squeezed out her friend so I couldn't make any contact in the beginning with No2 ...so she jumped in ... just bunch of errors...


And now You are telling me to forget her because of that 'xxxxx' No1...


Just finall thoughts...


It must be some solution ?


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