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Travelling boyfriend

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My boyfriend and I work together, and are in the national guard together as well. Lately work has been stressful for him, and we find it hard to spend time together. Recently, he has decided to join a different military unit which would require him to travel even more frequently than just with his job. I am angered by this because we hardly get any time together as it is, and he previously told me he wouldn't go work for this person that he's decided to work for! I always feel like I'm overreacting when I get upset, but I am worried that him being gone so much will tear us apart! Please let me know what you think, advice, am I out of line???

Thank you

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  • 11 months later...

i think that it's important for you to realise that whatever you're going through is what your bf is going to as well. I don't think it's fair for you to be angry, after all absense makes the heart grow fonder. try talking to him about it if you still feel angry. Good luck!

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