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  1. Thank you for your kind words... I hope you are right... I hope that things come back around. And at the same time... I hope they do not... because looking back, his kids need stability, and he cannot give them that with his eye on me. If anything were ever to happen, he'd have to leave them first, because I could never again trust my heart to someone I cannot have. Thanks again, Pamela
  2. 18 months ago, I was unhappily married, and met a man online, who seemed wonderful.... we met a short time later, and continued our relationship. Speaking everyday on the phone, sometimes several times a day. We met as often as we could, even though at the time we were both married to other people. I separated from my husband, and continued to see my "friend". At one point in our relationship, his wife actually moved out, however some unfortunate things happened to his children, and she eventually moved back in. He was troubled throughout the last few months of our relationship. I had been very patient, because I loved him tremendously. However, I think when I began feeling inside that he was pulling back a bit, I began struggling. I had very recently moved to a new city, and taken a new job, rented a house that was to be "our" home. He would talk to me about how much his kids needed him, and how much he loved them. I loved them too, even though I had never met him. He, on the other hand, had met my children, and my family. So, to make a long story short, about a month ago, he called, and we talked... and we said goodbye... we both said we loved one another still... but he needs to be with his kids. I know being there won't be enough to make him happy, but I asked him to never again cheat on her, to give 100% to his marriage, and his kids. If He gives to her, then the kids will see the difference and and they'll be happier again as well. I know I did the right thing in letting him go... but I am having trouble going on with my life. I date other people, but inside I am miserable... my heart hurts, and I feel lost and alone in this new city. I haven't been able to make many new friends yet.... and long for someone to "hang" out with. I guess even though it's been only a month since we said the words, I haven't seen him in 6 months, so I had already seen the writing on the wall... So, I guess I'm wondering... how can I go on? Do I have the hope of again falling in love with my best friend? It's hard, when all I really wanna do is turn tail and run back home to my friends, where at least I have support. Sorry to ramble so much... but if anyone has some advice for me... please help. Thank you.. Pamela
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