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Everything posted by mvg1269

  1. Hi, I have a similar issue with my b/f. Each time he happens to glance at an attractive thin blonde, I get jealous but we have managed to make it a joke in a sense because he's so obvious about it! I laugh it off, and believe me-it helps to laugh about it if you can. There's nothing less appealing than a woman with low self esteem, and that's exactly what I suffered with most of my life, until I started to realize that change has to start within you first. Once you're comfortable with yourself, no matter how beautiful or sexy someone else is, you're going to feel okay because you're okay with you. The first step is to accept yourself as you are. Everything else will fall into place and maybe then you will realize that you deserve a better, more considerate partner. Does your b/f realize how this makes you feel? Maybe you need to talk to him about it more deeply because it really sounds as if this is affecting your relationship. Are you prepared to leave the relationship over this? If so, maybe you need to consider that as the best option available, life is too short and you need to feel good about yourself regardless of the outside world-if there is no enemy within, the enemy without can do no harm.
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