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Everything posted by Jondwnr

  1. Floridaman that's great thanks brother lol really appreciated especially when I thought I was smooth sailing it went sour I must of jinxed it lol
  2. Day 17: Also a semi-sad day cause of what I found out yesterday and I actually saw pictures of the ring today(she doesn't want to tell anyone yet cause I believe she is afriad of what people will say) My mother comment on your status about prom and you didn't like it so you message me saying can you tell your mom to stop putting things on my page that I don't like. Then you delete her from Facebook.
  3. Day 16 I found out from a friend that you sometimes regret breaking up and you still love me so on so forth, but you got your engagement ring yesterday which really dropped my mood and i cried for the first time in over a month(I really broke down). how can someone admittedly put aside feelings for someone to dump them then instead of reconciliation you go and hookup with the beneficiary(rebound guy) a week later and then get engaged the next week? That makes ZERO since to me!! I understand the whole rebound thing, but and ENGAGEMENT to someone hat no one wants you with cause he literally is no good yet you say things like "I will always love him forever". You say these things even though he lies and adds girls and flirts with them and he also is going to the prom with his ex(that still likes him and is paying for everything) even though you told him you don't want to go. He has no regard for your feelings and you are engaged to HIM!! You make excuses like he has mental problems and he treats me great, and he has a problem with flirting with girls he said he will stop it takes time.
  4. Day 15: Today was fine I'm pretty confident I WILL get you back Your mom isn't doing to good she is more hurt by the break up than either of us. She absolutely hates your new "fiancé" and its putting her in a depression to know your thinking about marrying and having kids with this dirtbag. She has enough to deal with; with her dad dying in front of her eyes and kids all day everyday. I wish you stop being selfish and help your mom cope with everything. Your dad is supposed to give you some ultimatums I guess today, i hope you make the right choices cause you haven't in the past 2 months since our break
  5. Haha nice ill be laughing even more when they officially part. I think I have smoooooth sailing till then HAHA!!
  6. Day 14: Today was great I was happy and confident and I know your relationship is going through problems and I'm just laughing right now cause you both are starting to breakdown and it's a matter of time now when you actually get your heart broken by your fiancé of less than 2 months and want me back! Then I will have to bide my time some more until you actually realize I was THE one for you.
  7. I felt the same way today, what would have we done today? Prolly went to the park with her niece and nephew and watched them have fun.
  8. Day 13: I was kinda feeling down at the biggining of the day then talked to your mom and she made me feel better. The rest of the day I have been cheerful Im hoping the longer I go NC the more you miss me
  9. Yeah very true, you have to fix yourself(emotionally at the very least) before even starting to do anything with her. It took men's good 3 weeks of craziness before I was good enough to leave her alone. When it rains it pours is right! Breakups usually have in the most inopportune times.
  10. Wetchickenlip, Why do you say this is no chance now? Every once in a while I feel the same way but, i still hold out hope.
  11. Day 12: People on this site say that you have to realisticly wait anywhere from 3-8 weeks to see any type of results(contact from the ex). I hope that's the case because the last 3 days were pretty hard for me to handle even though I kept all my emotions inside. The first 9 days were cake because I want this whole situation to be over. Now I just miss her and I know that our future may not ever intertwine again(I really hope I'm wrong).
  12. Just the one you have a problem with Hun hahha
  13. Day 11: Today is our 2 month BU date I was scheming and trying to put plans together to try to talk to you but, realized I was coming off desperate. If you become single again I wonder if you will contact me? I'm thinking not but, I can't dwell on negatives I'm hoping I sprint forward soon to pass the time and further along my progress to getting over you or maybe one day you coming back to me. Hope tomorrow is better.
  14. Day 10: didn't think that much about you. I feel confident enough to approach you and ask you on a date if I got the chance. I don't think you would say no, especially if I asked you in a corny way. You always loved my corniness lol I feel if we spent significant time together you would want me back. We will see what the future hold Keep a smile on your faces everyone
  15. CONGRATS JOOJ!! You should be very proud! You should deffinitely keep it up... you can't lose what don't have but, you can lose what you gained so as long as you don't contact him you won't lose your progress Good luck! Day 8: I feel great! Ate some cake for breakfast and now my tummy hurts lol I'm starting to get over the fact that she is in a rebound engagement relationship and It would next to impossible to get hurt back or her actually contacting me from the silent treatment I'm giving her. I ask yesterday if anyone had opinions on my story cause it was a bit crazy and I never heard of something like it before If anyone wants to check it out and respond please do it's much appreciated.
  16. Wetchicken, when the time does come where you have the choice to take her back you have to think hard about taking you back, what our exs do to us cruel and it's like putting a magnifing glass over an ant while the sun beats on it killing it slowly. Maybe in time you will be beat on too much and you won't want her back only time will tell.
  17. day 7 I felt good from the start, I woke up thinking about her like always. I found out her and her rebound had there first real argument/fight, that got me excited and at the same time sad cause I don't want to see her sad. But then again I do want them together. I don't know if she will ever contact me, cause i did tell her I don't want any contact until her life Is straight.
  18. Day 6: I feel the hurt cause I did tell her that i don't want any contact until she gets her life straight. The last two times I tried going NC I didn't tell her that I was and she contact me after 5 days both times. I felt I was losing her by doing LC so I decided NC is best. I feel the anxiety in my chest when I think of her it's usually there everyday for almost the whole day. Thankfully I'm not depressed anymore. Jersey sounds like your almost to the point where you can move on
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