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Everything posted by ev1782

  1. Well this is kind of an ex-comeback story,,,,, my FIRST girlfriend whom I broke up with,,, I wanted her back a couple of years after breaking up with her,,, she was indecisive between me and this other guy she was then currently talking to and then ultimately chose to be with the other Guy, which left me heartbroken at that time cause i truly Loved her and wanted her back. She made it seem like I had a chance. After she makes her decision we remained friends. Once she got officially married that gave me the closure I needed and we became Best of friends...forward 5 years later. She is getting a divorce and would like to be back in my life as more than friends. I dont want her back like that anymore, I moved on and just want to be friends. Secondly I do not want to be her 2nd choice even if I was the one who broke up with her first so long ago lol. Now I was heartbroken about a 1yr ago with my LAST ex... But ive moved on a lot and if she ever tried to comeback as PRETTY as she is,,, I doubt I would take her back. Plus, I met someone new and beautiful.
  2. if you ONLY knew how much i Loved you... If the Almighty cud somehow reveal to you that no other man was going to treat u and love you like i would have. whatever you needed i wanted to provide for you, i would have even given my life for you... stupid girl. Even now i hope your happy where ever you may be.
  3. About a mont and a half of lc cuz we were in a band together. But our band is kind of at a stand still at the moment. So its been 2 weeks of no contact. And I plan to keep it that way.
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