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Everything posted by g1234567890h

  1. I really don't know what to do but tell you to get tested ASAP. Whenever I get into a sexual relationship I always use a condom and dental dam until we both see each other's test results. I make it a policy for both of us to get tested as soon as we find that we're sexually attracted to each other. It's usually after the second or third date.
  2. So this is what happened tonight. For the first time ever, I ejaculated inside of my girlfriend. We've both had a lot of sex before but this is the first time we were having unprotected sex. We were both tested six months after our last sexual relationships so we're fine. I'm getting off topic. After I came inside her she felt an intense stinging and tingling sensation inside her vagina. It really bothered her so we had to stop having sex. It went away after half an hour but she really didn't feel like having sex again tonight. We each like to reach orgasm twice during a session so I was ready to go. This is kind of scaring us. There could be a couple things going on here. 1. It could be a bacterial or yeast infection, but her vagina shows no signs of redness, swelling, or burning. It went away after half an hour. 2. We had a pretty intense 69 session beforehand so maybe something in our saliva set her off. We both brushed our teeth before having sex so maybe we got toothpaste on each other. I don't really see how that can happen. 3. We didn't use lube. We always use lube but we were in such a hurry and we thought we had enough from our saliva. Next time we have sex we'll use a lot of lube. 4. There is a remote possibility that she could be allergic to my semen, which is almost rediculous. Has this ever happened to anyone else and if it did, what did you do about it? And we're not giving up. We'll try again on Sunday and see what happens.
  3. My girlfriend feels like this on a weekly basis. We actually set aside time during the week for her to be depressed. I'm a preschool teacher, published writer, college student, musician, and I'm going to get an advanced degree. She, on the other hand, dropped out of college and tranferred to my community college. Personally, I think community college is way more reasonable than four year college, but that's not the point of this article. She works for her family's company and she really doesn't know what she's going to do with her life. Sometimes she doesn't feel good enough for me. My girlfriend routinely tries to break up with me for this very reason. For six days out of the week she feels great, but for one day she just feels depressed about everything. I think she's wonderful, so wonderful I wonder how on Earth I could end up with her. Maybe your boyfriend feels the same way. You know what? It really isn't up to you whether you're good enough for him or not. If you weren't good enough, you wouldn't be with him. He loves you for who you are right now. He doesn't care about your paycheck, or what kind of house you live in, or what kind of car you drive. He cares about the inner, wonderful you, and even though you don't know what he sees in you, I'm sure he does.
  4. Tell him you're getting him something. Then he has to get you something. You are getting him something, right?
  5. That's all very interesting and enlightening but are you even remotely qualified to make that kind of diagnosis?
  6. Personally I don't really care about sexual orientation. If you like the other person and he or she does it for you, then just go for it. I'm a guy and I'm currently in a relationship with a girl but I've been attracted to guys before. She's in a relationship with me but she had a lesbian relationship for a while. I think you should find someone who's mutually attracted to you and then figure out your orientation.
  7. I think you set yourself up for this when you asked him that question. Let me ask you a question: if you know an attractive guy somewhere and your boyfriend asked you if you would have sex with him, would you honestly say yes? It's perfectly natural to be attracted to other people even though you're in an exclusive relationship. My girlfriend and I share crushes all the time. Crushes and fantasies are harmless as long as they're never acted upon.
  8. Hey, I sent you a PM. I think I know what to do but it's a bit long and personal for posting in this thread. Tell me if you're interested.
  9. Haha, no, you're blowing it way out of porportion. Those statements were not meant to really be serious or mean anything. It's not that unusual to be dating someone who has depression or from a different culture. We just think it's interesting because she has never dated outside of her race before but I have only dated outside of my race. The race and religion thing really doesn't make that much of a difference for us. We've also only dated really emotionally unstable or immature people before so it's nice to find someone who has some maturity. Here's the statistic. "Family support for bipolar disorder is critical, yet scarce. One half of people with bipolar disorder are not medication compliant. In his clinical practice, the divorce rate for bipolar disorder is 90%. Dr. Ghaemi explains how important it is for families to help, especially with medication issues." link removed That's in a clinical practice. In reality bipolar disorder is vastly undiagnosed. I'm not really here to offer opinions on anything. I'm just not an opinionated guy. I state the facts for people. The point of this post is to tell people that no matter what kind of emotional problems you might have, it is still possible to find a serious, loving relationship. You just have to accept and love yourself, live life with an open heart, and not worry about the future so much.
  10. I was friends with a girl for a while and after a few dates we decided to stay just friends. I have a girlfriend right now but I still buy my friend flowers and make her feel loved. I give flowers to a lot of my friends on special days like Valentines day and birthdays. When we go out I insist on paying. It also goes the other way, too. My girlfriend has a lot of guy friends and she goes out with them on practice dates and hangs out with them when they're lonely. She's a sitter, so sometimes they tell her that they love her and they want to be with her. We're both really secure in our relationship. I think for you it really depends. You should talk to him about it. You can try dating again and see where things go. Maybe you really are dating and it took two years for you to get here.
  11. My coworkers ask me that all the time. I think they're just trying to be nice. Bear in mind that all of my coworkers are female and married with families. I think they were just trying to be friendly. Maybe if you told them you were single they'd try to hook you up with one of their friends. That happens a lot with guys who are single. I really don't think they were coming on to you sexually. Guys have come on to me before and believe me, you know the difference. I find myself asking girls if they're single. I'm not single but I have single friends. Who knows? That's how a lot of relationships get off the ground.
  12. That, my friend, I totally disagree with. I dress far scarier than you do. I wear army fatigues, black leather gloves, a black trench coat, and orange reflective sunglasses. I have long unkempt black hair and a goatee. I dress like I intimidate people, but it has never held me back socially. I don't wear a long trench coat to work because I always end up taking it off anyway, but I wear a pretty mean looking black jacket. I still wear the army fatigues and the black with the sunglasses. I don't need to wear gloves at work. Young children, ages three to five, are not intimidated. Parents have no problem with how I dress. Girls come up to me to talk to me. My current girlfriend asked me out on a first date. Why? Like I said in my previous post, it's all about how you project yourself on the inside. I smile at people. I say "hi." I wave. Random children come up to talk to me and play with me. Girls reguarly try to pick up on me. I don't walk hunched over, staring at the ground with my hands crammed into my pockets. I am open and inviting. I wear my clothes because they're comfortable and I get good reactions from our troops. Your clothes don't hold you back socially, it's your attitude on the inside that counts. That's my two cents in how you dress.
  13. 90% percent of people who have bipolar disorder and are married get divorced. She's also been through some rough parts of her life that makes it unlikely for her to get married or stay with someone for a long time. It's okay, though, because we're on the same page about that. We're only nineteen and twenty. It's way too early to be thinking about married or even about long term commitment. We might think about it in six years, minimum. I'm planning on holding out until I get my PhD, so that will be a while. We use both the patch and the diaphragm, so we're being overcautious about getting pregnant. I mean the cultural difference as a good thing. We live in the San Francisco bay area, in California, so it doesn't get more liberal and multicultural than here. We think it's funny because she's supposedly supposed to date someone white and I'm supposedly supposed to date someone Asian. We see it as rebelling against out families but in all reality our families are cool with it. It's a little unusual and it's nice. People think we're a cute couple because we're so different.
  14. Thank you for your touching replies. Faith still doesn't quite grasp how this affects my life but we're working on it. We have our moments of mutual frustration with each other, but who doesn't? Our bond keeps growing stronger the more we're together. Because of our backgrounds, we're both scared of commitment so we agreed to stay together as long as it's good for us both and when it doesn't work anymore we'll remain friends afterwards. We fantasize about a wedding, how we would mix a Chinese and a Catholic wedding together, even though neither of us associates ourselves with those groups. But in reality, we both know it's very unlikely that either of us will get married at all. But that's the beauty of our relationship. We had to grow up really fast so we're not living in a fantasy world. We not making promises and commitments we can't keep. We were both suicidal at one point in our lives so we appreciate the fragility and mortality of our relationship. That brings a lot of comfort to our lives.
  15. I can't really help you on the bar scene because I'm underage. I do go to concerts, though, and I meet very interesting people there. Here's the scenario: we're standing in line waiting to get into the venue. She's with her friends and I'm with mine. Me: "Who are you here to see?" Her: "I'm here to see Trivium." (We were at the Sounds of the Underground tour and they were on the list.) Me: "Oh, they're cool. I'm here to see Machine Head. It's their first show here in like two years. I'm pretty stoked." Her: "Yeah, they're pretty awesome." Me: "I'm in a band with my drummer. He's here. His family knows Phil Demmel." (Phil Demmel happens to be the lead guitarist for Machine Head.) Her: "Who?" Me: "Lead guitars for Machine Head." Her: "Oh wow, is he from around here?" Me: "Hell yes, he was his neighbor." Her: "That's really cool. What do you play?" Me: "Vocals and guitars. I write all the music." Her: "Is it metal?" Me: "What else would it be?" Her: "That's cool" Me: "What do you do?" Her: "I'm in college." Me: "Why?" Her: "For psychology." Me: "No, that's your major. Why are you going to college?" Her: a small laugh, "I don't know, really. I guess it's time to go." Me: "Do you work? Like a job." Her: "Yeah, I work at Macy's." Me: "Oh, right, they hire all the hot chicks at Macy's." Her: She laughs and blushes at this. "I fold clothes." Me: "You're making the world a better place. I'm a preschool teacher." Her: "ReallY? I thought you were a musician." Me: "I'm that, too. I play guitar for my kids. They love it." Her: "I imagine." Me: "I'm actually an author." Her: "What do you write?" Me: "A little of everything. I write mostly thrillers but I do some drama stuff too. I even wrote a romance." Her: "Do you have anything published?" Me: "Only on the internet and in magazines. I edit people's books and papers for publication, you know, that sort of thing. People are such bad writers it's nuts." Her: "I'm not a good writer." Me: "You'll learn. I'm in college, too. It's rediculously easy." Her: "Do you find time to sleep?" Me: "Six hours a night on average. I'm an insomniac." Her: "I know I need my eight hours." Me: "Are you planning on pitting today?" Her: "I don't think so." Me: "You shouldn't. You'd get demolished when Machine Head comes on." Her: "I've never seen them before." Me: "You're in for a hell of a ride. Stick with me and you'll be well taken care of. Who else are you here with?" Her: "A couple of my friends." Me: "You bring any weed?" Her: "Not really." Me: "Me neither. I don't smoke but I was just wondering if you do. Do you smoke?" Her: "Sometimes." Me: "Duh, who doesn't? You feel like hanging out with me and my drummer today?" Her: "Sure, why not?" Me: "Do you go to these a lot?" Her: "Not much." Me: "Yeah, you're going to get wrecked." So that's how I met Natasha. It was fun and we hung out for the day but I really wasn't interested in a relationship with her. We had a nice one day friendship. If we were interested we could have started dating but for the day we just flirted. We hugged at the end and parted ways. I might see her at another concert someday. I'm not single anymore, but I like hanging out with girls. And you can probably tell that I'm very eccentric. Being eccentric is a good thing.
  16. How you project yourself on the outside pales in comparison to how you project yourself on the inside.
  17. This is my crazy life. I'm posting this for everyone who thinks their mental or emotional problems are holding them back in relationships. I’m currently in a serious, functional relationship with Faith, a very beautiful, eccentric, outgoing, nice, mature nineteen year old who goes to my college. I’m twenty and a huge introvert. More on us later. My name is Phoenix and I have bipolar disorder. For those of you who don’t know what this is, look it up on Wikipedia or something. I can't post a link. A few statistics on bipolar disorder. It affects about 3% of the American population. About 25%-50% of the people who have this condition attempt suicide. 11% of people who have bipolar disorder complete suicide. Yes, I have attempted suicide when I was seventeen. We had a psychology class together where we had to make dating profiles. I saved mine, showing here: “I’m a long-haired rockstar/preschool teacher/writer/psych student. I live each day as my last but I live my life as if I’ll live forever. I currently sing and play guitar for my band that recently broke up. I’m writing my thirteenth novel. I take care of children and I love my job. I’m going for my PhD in clinical psychology to become a child therapist. I’m looking for someone who has a lot of imagination and humor. I’m looking for someone who does or wants to live life to the fullest knowing that each and every day may be all you have. I’m looking for someone who loves adventure, music, books, art, and trying new things. I enjoy life far too much for someone in my position. I work hard, play hard, and sleep well at night.” One person in the class asked if I was single. I hesitated, but had to say yes. She said I had a lot to bring to a relationship. Then Faith volunteered her profile, which I liked, so on a whim I asked if she was single. She didn’t reply and we didn’t talk for until the next class meeting, where she told me she was single and she wanted a date with me. I was really not looking for a relationship at that time but I had nothing to lose so I said yes. At that time I was really high on a manic episode, so I just wanted to be crazy. I planned a first date where we went on a walk around the lake to talk about life. I told her everything about my condition and she told me she had depression. Then I brought out my guitar and sang a love song I was working on. I showed her a video of Machine Head (I hope someone on this forum knows who they are) and she said she was hungry so I took her out to a late lunch or an early dinner. I figured out she liked books so I took her to a used bookstore afterwards where she found some things she liked. I just had fun. I had no motivation to make things work. I wanted to leave her breathless. I did a good job and she said she had fun. She asked me on a second date, so I said yes. We started having sex on our sixth date and things have been great ever since. Well, as great as things can be when one person who has bipolar disorder and the other has depression. We are similar in that we take care of people in our lives. We largely offer the emotional support and buffering in our families. Most of our friends look to us for support and care. As for me, I take care of about fifty different children over the course of the week, ages three to five. I work twenty hours a week and I’m taking five classes in college. She’s working fifteen hours a week and taking six classes in college. We’re both planning on getting PhD’s. I have a 4.0 college GPA and she has a 3.9, only getting one B. We are different in that our personalities are almost polar opposites. She is outgoing, intuitive, emotional, and perceptive while I’m an introvert, a thinker, judger, and I sense what’s going on rather than try to perceive it. She has so many friends I still haven’t met them all. She was able to meet all of my friends in a week. She loves spending time with people our age and I just don’t like people our age. She’s had about ten boyfriends before me and I just don’t like people. We’re also a biracial couple. I’m Chinese and she’s Caucasian. She has depressive episodes on a regular basis and I take care of her. I have manic and depressive episodes on a regular basis and she is there for me. Girls try to pick up on me on a regular basis. Guys try to pick up on her on a regular basis. We’re both cool with it. We have friends of the opposite sex but we’re never jealous. We’re both very interesting people, I guess that’s why we work so well together. So I wanted to post this to see how people react. It’s just an attempt for me to open up to the outside world. I’m going to start a website about people who live very productive lives with bipolar disorder. You're free to ask questions if you want.
  18. I have never had to approach a woman. I'm not sure why women come on to me as hard as they do, but they do. I'm not particularly good looking, nice, or social. I dress scary, I'm pretty withdrawn, but I do work with kids so maybe that's a turn on.
  19. What I did was I just found someone who is just as busy as I am. We made room for each other, mostly cutting out sleep for time together. It works fine.
  20. I regularly get numbers from girls I have no intention of calling. I just do it to be nice because it's really awkward to turn down a number. I don't give them mine. If I'm actually interested I'd get their email, too, but I really can't use a stalker right now.
  21. You should wear what you want, period. I exclusively wear army fatigues and black t-shirts with a black coat and black Vans. I have long hair and a goatee. I also wear glasses. I run a comb through my hair a couple times in the morning and other than that I just let it do whatever the hell it wants to. I go to work in these clothes. I teach preschool. I'm in college and I go to school in these clothes. I go on dates in these clothes. If I need to be formal, it's just a pair of black cargos and a black button down shirt. I wear that to weddings. The only time I wear a suit is to funerals. I sometimes wear the trench coat and black leather gloves. I've dressed like this since my early teens and I never had problems with girls. My current girlfriend came up to me and asked me out on a date. And she is the kind of girl that guys try to pick up all the time. I kind of stick out in the crowd, so maybe that helps. She says I scare people.
  22. Okay, calm down, there are several things that could be happening. I used to hear voices, too, so it could be a number of things. First, we need to know if the voices are actually saying anything. Are they a narration of what you're doing, commands, or just incoherant vocalizations? Do you listen to them? Do you ever do the things they're telling you to do? Second, are you taking any drugs, legal or illegal? Third, is it keeping you from sleeping? If it is, how much is your sleep affected? Is it affecting your work and social life? And last, how often do you hear these things? And I urge you to get help for this fast because it could be the signs of a serious problem, like schizophrenia, stroke, tumor, or a psychotic disorder. I know because I've been through that.
  23. I'm new here, but this is my perspective on the whole "nice guy" thing. I'm the most extreme introvert I know. That's okay because that's who I am and I'm comfortable telling people that. I don't like talking to people and I don't like people talking to me. I guess I'm not very nice, but I happen to have a very healthy amount of confidence and independence, almost to the point where I simply don't need people anymore. I happen to be in a serious relationship with the nicest, most extraverted girl I've ever met. We are really good together. She gives me validation but I have never needed it. I'm nice to her, most of the time, and I give her what she needs. I'm downright mean to people sometimes but she's very accepting of that. I happen to be a preschool teacher, so I probably use up all my niceness there with little left over for the rest of the world. I think guys confuse niceness for changing for a girl. She wants you for who you are and really doesn't want you to turn your life upside down for her. I imagine that would make a girl feel guilty. I sure know that if my girlfriend turned her life around just for me I would feel guilty. I want her to have her own life while I have my own. I do bring her gifts and I do try to impress her, but not to the point where I'm becoming someone else for her. I just use my natural talents to win her over and it works. She impresses me, too, so it goes both ways. I really don't think that makes much sense but I'll post it anyway for you to pick apart.
  24. I'm going to disagree with most of the responses and say that you did pretty good. I happen to be a nut when it comes to this thing, so take this in context, but I think she just wasn't up to it. Who knows, maybe she had a bad day before the date, maybe something major happened in her life that you don't know about. I would say you shouldn't blame yourself for what happened. You shouldn't have to change yourself for a woman. You felt like writing a song and drawing her portrait, so you did it. That's good. You'll find a woman who's more receptive to that sort of thing.
  25. I personally don't like porn, but I know my friends can have anywhere from one to twenty gigs on their drive at once. I have dual hundred gigabyte drives on my computer so sometimes I get stuff for them because I have fast internet. I probably have about twenty gigs on my drive. It's pretty gross and I'm probably too nice to my friends but as long as it's not illegal or anything I'll do it for them. And no, I don't think that quantity is any indication of addiction. It's all how you use it.
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