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Posts posted by run_little_rabbit

  1. I've been on depo for 4 years, off and on because it depletes bone mass so you can't be on for too long at a time. I love it because you only go every 3 months, I don't have a period, and I've never had any problems with it. But I've heard other people say that instead of not bleeding for 3 months, they would continually bleed until the shot wore off. It really just depends on the person so I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

  2. When I first had sex, I was so excited that I just had to tell my mom! hahaha

    She was so proud that I told her and came to her for advice and stuff. But, she and I have an abnormally close relationship so if you're not that close with your mom I can see why you wouldn't be aching to tell her.

  3. I like to ask questions to the "main speaker" to become involved.


    Or if it's a larger group and I notice another person looking bored and uninvolved, I'll just talk one-on-one with that person... much like Batya said. (by the way, you have excellent advice!)

  4. I always thought it was really cute if a guy kind of 'asked permission' before he kissed me. But don't be too formal.

    What if you said something like "I keep thinking about what it'd be like to kiss you"? Then wait for her response.


    Remember: chances are that she's afraid of getting rejected too!

  5. My first time, doctor walks in, sits down and says "Hi, I'm Dr. Kitty!"

    She was a sweet old lady lol. She talked me through it, basically saying why she did each part of the exam. The speculum feels weird, but not painful if you relax. You'll just feel pressure. Oh, and relaxation is easier if you pee before you go in!


    One last thing: through my parents insurance, if we send in proof of the exam, they send me $75. Might want to check into that!

  6. What a good point!

    I have more not-so-serious conversations on a daily basis than deep ones. In deep, involved conversations, there's pressure to pay attention to detail and come up with responses... and they'd better be good! lol


    I find casual conversations more enjoyable because both parties are relaxed, and the dialogue just flows. Nothing is forced. It's where inside jokes come from!

  7. I'm only 22, but I want to have a child so badly!!! Ideally, not til I'm like 30 and have been married for 4 or 5 years. But I think about it daily. One of my biggest fears is that I'd be unable to have children.... I'm all for adoption. But if my doctor recommended a transplant, I'd definitely look into it.

  8. I'll be spending my day at class, then at work til 1am. And he is 2 hours away, so no, we won't be seeing each other. And there's about a half hour's time before I go to class that we can talk on the phone too. LAME! lol


    But I spent a day with him last weekend, and when I walked in the apartment there was a shiney red bag sitting on top of the steps with my name on it. =) Plus, he's coming home tomorrow, assuming his car is fixed by then, for 4 days. I have no complaints there!

  9. "Do you know how many plants had to die for your salad?!"

    haha totally kidding =)


    My boyfriend is a vegetarian, mainly for health reasons (the protein you get from veggies is so much better for you than what you get from meat, so I hear) but also some ethical reasons. Basically a combination of what everone else has said! He consumes dairy in small portions (lactose intolerant) but does not eat eggs if he can help it. He's never tried to push it on me, but he has cooked me some awesome meals. I'm sure I wouldn't have much trouble going veggie if I chose it.


    To Bryan: Meals aren't usually difficult because I know most of the restaurants around here that have stuff for him. Don't avoid girls just because they're picky, because all you need to do is a little research!

  10. Sounds like you 2 are very happy together as of now, and your main worry is time. But like Daligal said, you've got a plan & a timeline, and I think that helps so much!


    My situation is similar: right now we're 2 hours apart, but this summer he's supposed to do an internship, and so far it's looking like he might have to go out of state, and I'll be working all summer. The following summer I could be moved anywhere in the state for school for 9 months to a year. But again, once we get those things taken care of we're good to go. =)


    Hang in there!

  11. My boyfriend and I are long-distance, so you'd think we'd be talking non-stop, right? Not exactly. We have plenty of silent moments (usually because he's playing WoW) but if neither of us have much to say, we'll just hang up. It doesn't mean there's a problem if you're not having hour long conversations every night, especially if you see each other every day.

  12. It does depend on the guy.

    Mine pulls off the beard thing very well. =)

    He usually keeps it kind of big, mostly out of laziness. But when he does trim it down... so hot!!

  13. I cherish my alone time. I don't get enough of it because my schedule is so full that all my free time is spent keeping my friendships up to date, which is as high a priority as me-time. For now, me-time is confined to right before bed & in the shower... I used to have a ton more. *sad face* lol But I used to feel like being around people all the time, maybe to boost my self confidence with the feeling that I had a lot of friends? Anyway, I'm babbling, but the point is that I think it is a positive change to find yourself comfortable with just... yourself!

  14. If you do a search of the forums, you can find a ton of other posts on this.

    But, I had the same thing happen, where I knew he enjoyed porn, but didn't realize the extent of it. When I first realized the extent of his collection, it freaked me out.


    You could let him know that it bothers you, but do not ask him to stop looking at it. It has nothing to do with you! The porn was around before you were. It isn't a new development, so it doesn't affect the way he feels about you. It took me about a month to realize that myself.


    Just give it time...

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