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Everything posted by ctos

  1. Well, she never ended up showing or even bothering to call to let me know. She wrote eariler in an e-mail: " I have been with you for 5 years, and kind of ran away from my problems of my childhood and so on. I need counseling to figure out who I am and what I want. I need to be alone and look at myself in the mirror and really decide who I am. I can’t marry you and give you my soul and myself if I am not sure who that is. I know it doesn’t make any sense to you why I have to do it without you, but I feel deep within myself that it’s the right option and what I have to do right now. I just want you to love me enough to give me my space and understand that this is killing you just as much as its killing me. I am scared * * * *less that I am going to forever lose you and never be able ot get you back. "
  2. mykeyg: No, she did not say who she wants to be or who she is not. She said she does not know who is is at the moment. We are both very ambitious people, but with different "causes" ... I've started and sold two booming online companies and I just launched a third one. I like to build businesses from strach and create income to be able to retire early one day. She likes to help the needy and volunteer. We are in contact. She is stopping by today to clean up the house since she made quite a mess when she moved out.
  3. mykeyg: She has friends and whatnot outside the home. She doesn't stay here 24/7. She goes out with the girls and I go along with her when it's not a girls nite. People come over here and stuff. It's just that I prefer not to befriend people. I don't have a need to really. doyathink: No warnings. I thought everything was going better than ever. She said shes changing and needs to find out who she is.
  4. Hi, I was just dumped a few days ago after being in a five year relationship. We were months away from our wedding and had been living together. She moved out the other night and it kills me because the cloest is half full, the spot where her desk is empty, etc. I haven't really done much but drink. I don't have anything else to do. I don't have any friends besides my cats. I don't know anyone. I work for myself out of my home so I'm here all day. I have no intention to meet people ... never did. Mainly because I don't like drama, and more so, I don't like 'breakups.' She says she needs to find herself. I don't understand why she can't find herself here. I'm devestated and it's upsetting because I'm back to how I was six years ago: bitter, non-trusting, and non-caring. Any tips? This came out of the blue. C
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