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  1. At 36 I wouldn't recommend myspace... But yeah. I know the feeling. I haven't had a single traditional date in my life either and I'm close to your age. I have had so-called "boyfriends" which never lasted long. Just a self-esteem boost on their way to hotter chicks. I know it's easy to regret the things you've never done or had at this age. But I've already asked myself if it really matters. I don't think it does. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe dates, socialization, the prom and everything else is what makes the normal people normal. Sometimes I really regret being a late bloomer. Now I'm depressed. Sorry I wasn't any help.
  2. Yes, have it out with him. It's not wrong to demand commitment from your husband. Remind him of that fact.
  3. Then WHY did you do it? If you care so much about her and your boys, why can't you keep it in your pants? WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY???
  4. Not to sound harsh, but if you're that religious, you should have not started an affair with him in the first place. It's called walking away. Just walk away and don't even get to a first-name basis with a married man. He cheated on his wife, he'll cheat on you. Don't ever think for a split second you would have him all to yourself someday. And since he is still married, you still have the power to walk away.
  5. But "living his life" involves cheating for most men. So, it all depends on who you are. Are you the woman who looks the other way while your boyfriend cheats, because after all, it's in better standing with your peers to be with a man than to be single; or are you true to your feelings and yourself, strong enough to demand respect even if it means that the relationship you have will end? Controlling or not, there's no way I would ever agree to be with any man and let him "live his life" and risk bringing home diseases that only I could catch.
  6. I know it must hurt, but why don't you "accidentally" text his phone something like, "Ohhh god (insert another man's name here) you were so good last night and so much bigger than (insert his name here)!"
  7. Well if you were over 18 I'd say go for it. I wouldn't think too highly of an adult that would be willing to date a 13 year old.
  8. I don't know. It is true that people with bad intentions would of course disguise it to get what they want. And it can take a while to uncover what someone is hiding. You can know someone for decades without knowing some deep, dark secret of theirs or something wrong or horrible that they might be doing behind your back. Overall I think that's the right idea, even if you have to lie to extract the truth, I mean you can't be too careful in today's world can you? What does "the BBD" mean, by the way?
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