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Everything posted by valiantv

  1. Man mine just drips out... I'm starting to think something's wrong - It drips out... I don't last long during sex, and I don't tend to feel the "wave of pleasure" when I do... A bit, like, but not much.. I wonder if they are all related...
  2. Can't say I'd be offended... but depending on the circumstances I might think the girl is a bit weird... I'd also be suspicious of her being sarcastic as another poster pointed out... But I think since guys find it kind of harder to get sex, they aren't as likely to be as offended by overt advances, or care that a woman sees them as nothing more than a sex object...
  3. I agree with Momene - no reason to "do something about it"... In any case if you decide to go for it but are worried about the risk - it's much higher while she is with the other guy, and if she rejects you (she might now be over you) it will make things all the more awkward around her Finally, you've known her for 4 years and only fancy her in the last 2 months? It could be a phase you're going through, (also you might be a little jealous now that she's with another guy... Was she with him before you started fancying her?) you might find in another 2 months you'll be over it, and then won't it be a shame you ended the friendship?
  4. I would think she is just very open about sex and you're not used to it... I wouldn't take it as a bad sign (unless she starts making plans to live out her fantasy against your wishes) Doesn't mean she *only* wants sex out of the relationship, it simply means she is open about that particular topic. And having an ex like that might have what made her so open, but it doesn't mean she'll be tempted into orgies and making porn... So she's used to different things than you, but that's one of the beauties of getting together with someone different: sharing ideas and different points of view, discovering new ways of looking at things and becoming enlightened. To me it almost sounds like an intellectual challenge. (and I mean that in a good way) And I hate to bad mouth anyone's religion, but IMHO it is better to be open to new experiences than to worry about not being used to them because of a strict conservative up-bringing. Out of curiosity - did you bring up the topic or did she?
  5. Exactly. OK - I don't want to bring it up because I think I may be making too big a deal of it. I do want to bring it up because I don't want her to be second guessing or bothered. I think I will... next time we are talking seriously about such things.
  6. Erm... I'm not sure from your post that they have broken up! I'm not really sure I get this... What would have happened if he wasn't underaged? Would they still be together? Sounds like that's the only reason he left, and that's not a good reason! 3 months? Doesn't sound like they were going out that long ago (Or did they break up as soon as she found out she was pregnant?) In any case, I don't think you can get her to distance herself from the dad, as he has every right to see his kid! We can't advise you whether she is right when she says they don't love each other any more... And yeah it can happen! You might have to accept the possibility the dad will resent you by the way. I too am with a single mom, but that dad is nowhere to be seen...
  7. Well it's not bothering me! I'd definitely rather she knew with total clarity the whole situation, than she be guessing at it..
  8. My overanalysis of this is... I think he was making fun of Polish people, not you! An assumption by him that you know he doesn't think you're stupid! (If he was afraid you thought you were stupid, or you thought he thought you were stupid, he would never have said it) I'd take this joke as a good sign - A sign of his comfort with you. You know, the same way you can make fun of your friends but not people you don't know that well? The appropriate response was to make fun of him back, or "playfully" punish him or something It would be worse if he held his tongue around you...
  9. I really need to improve my communication skills. Dedicated readers may remember me posting a message a few months ago about an incident when I was hit on - with great enthusiasm and determination (to the point that I feel sorry for the girl) - by a friend of a friend soon after I started going out with my current gf... Anyway several days later when I met up with my gf, I told her this story - partly out of wanting to tell her an anecdote, and partly because I felt sort of dishonest not telling her (like I was hiding it)... And I want to be totally honest about everything... She asked me if I was tempted, and I thought she was kind of joking, but kind of said no and laughed it off. Because in my mind, nothing could tempt me away from her, the very idea is laughable. Since then she has been passing the odd jokey comment about this other girl like if she says she can't go out with me to the cinema or something and I reply "Oh alright, guess I'll have to find someone who appreciates me", "Oh really? Like Lana? (not the real name)"... So I've been assuming it's OK to joke about. She asked me after I told her, why I told her, but me being drunk couldn't articulate my words properly or think about it properly, said just because I thought it would be like a funny story. Not very convincing I'd say, given the circumstances. But it came up again lately, and she told me that when I was telling her the story, that she was full sure I was going to tell her we kissed or something! Until I told her that nothing happened... Just thinking about it again there before I posted this message, I did act a bit weird just before I told her - we were cuddling up watching TV in her house, and I asked if I could make a cup of coffee, in an apparently blatant attempt to not be cuddling as I told this story. "Why?" she asked in a slightly concerned tone, seeing right through to my ulterior motive, then as I told the story I realised it wasn't as funny an anecdote as I thought, and might have appeared slightly nervous telling her. At no point did I indicate nothing happened, until she asked whether I was tempted and I laughed, "No!"... I now believe she wasn't joking when she asked if I was tempted. It's the kind of story that is coming up in conversation a lot in comparison to the small significance I'd like to view it as. So if I bring it up again I to clarify a bit further, I think I might just make it worse! And, if I bring it up again, I'll probably forget to say something else, so I'll have to bring it up yet again...
  10. Though if you read the article, you'll see they weren't in the bathroom (they were seated in the cabin), and they made threats of violence against a member of the cabin crew... "Rest" room is still fair game!
  11. I guess part of the fun for me would be the game... Hey if it's the person with the worst hand who gets naked, then your poker skill has nothing to do with it! Everyone? How many were there? Man am I going to the wrong parties! But you probably did it the right way since if there were a bunch of you there, then only "serious" players would want to play properly, and serious players are mainly guys
  12. Just wondering if any of you guys out there play Strip Poker and what rules do you use? (Are there actually rules for Strip Poker?) Not that I've ever played it (Though I'm thinking she mightn't be on for it), but... 1 - Small amount of chips, maybe 100, with antes at 5. (or blinds 5/10) 2 - You get to zero chips (meaning the opponent has 200), you can exchange an item of clothing for 100 of their chips, meaning both players always have 3 - You can't put your clothes back on in exchange for giving back 100 chips! (This is for game balance - so if you are down to your jocks, you still have a chance of getting her jacket off without having to work your way all the way back up to fully clothed) 4 - You can call with an item of clothing, but you can't raise so much that either you or the opponent would have to give up two items of clothing. i.e. - your opponent has 30 left, and you bet 50, she can call with her 30 and promise that if she loses, she must remove a garment, then pay back the balance (i.e. she'll have 80). But you could not raise 130 chips (which would mean her removing two items of clothing). (This is to add to the anticipation.... no point in the game if you can have your opponent stripped in one hand) Any variations / improvements? What does the winner get (other than seeing their partner fully naked)? Also what to do about the fact that in general a girl's body is better to look at than a guy?
  13. To the people who hate being complimented: Do you think that people who don't take compliments well, it's because they don't believe the compliment? I like receiving compliments but only if I believe the person giving it - otherwise it's just awkward I think. However in either case I don't think I react well - even if I feel good about it, I always just give a brief "thanks" or something. For example, if someone says, "You're beautiful", and you don't really believe you are, then you're not going to take it to heart and go, "Wow, really? Me? Beautiful?". But if you have a hobby, like photography, and someone points out some particularly good ones (by your standards) you took, and says, "They are excellent photos", then you will feel good about it... And by the same logic, she must hate when I compliment her! I am absolutely useless at sounding genuine, even though I am being genuine!
  14. Yeah and don't let him keep putting it off - he'll either do it or not do it... If he says he's waiting to start his new job to make it less awkward, I don't see this as a good excuse. He is already two-timing the other girl even if you two haven't done anything. Just planning to be with you and being with her is as bad as being with you while with her. IMHO, he should leave her now, then to make things less awkward, when he finishes work with you, get together with you.
  15. Why not? Why do people watch sports knowing that their team could lose? Because it's well worth the risk! The risk of a few days of heartbreak is well worth the benefits of being with someone special! Besides, spending your life on your own is worse than that few days of heartbreak
  16. I don't know what you did to her in the past, but she sounds like a first-rate psycho! So it was all a test by her to prove something to your guy? You made a mistake - put it behind you and move on. Out of curiosity, though, (and ignore me if I'm being too nosy), did he ever explain the whole story?
  17. If you're wrong he's going to break it off, and if you're right, what's he going to do? Yes as blindfold said, make sure the number is correct, AND check the date on the message (it could be from before ye were going out - "I may not have you now") But really before that, why don't you meet up with him and ask for his explanation? Believe it or not, there are reasons she could be lying (perhaps he insulted her or something). In any case, you should really go to him, and let him say his part before involving her. Make him understand your reasons for being suspicious - it's quite damning evidence, and you have every right to be. Though maybe he has a right to be pissed off with you - he has no control over what she says to him and you shouldn't have logged in with his user/password. In any case, sort it out with him. Let him get his side in first.
  18. Not sure what the stupid things are, but why not just stop pointing out the stupid things? When you are about to point out the stupid thing, just think "No this is stupid", and let is slide. Takes a bit of getting the hang of but it's not too hard. Also agreed about understanding - in my experience nearly all arguments in the world are caused by both sides not seeing the other's point of view. In nearly every case, both sides believe they are in the right, whereas in reality, both are partly right and partly wrong. They just only see the part they want to see, but if they saw the whole picture, the argument could be avoided.
  19. It's a porn star's job to look like they are enjoying themselves, while taking it or giving it... Doesn't mean they are able to please their lover.... Now if prostitution were legalised...
  20. *Shudder* Following words with rhyming words beginning with W is just wrong, especially when talking to grown adults! Then again I don't even baby talk to babies...
  21. You'd prefer they weren't loyal? A lot of people don't want to get married, and why should they? Also marriage can be very expensive
  22. It might be, it might not, but why not go ahead anyway. If you change so much that you think the relationship isn't working out, then is the time to make that decision, not now before you know what will happen.
  23. I disagree with Baby Carrot regarding the clothes thing, it's just there are different fashions for guys and girls. Girls get laughed at for wearing unfashionable clothes just as guys do, it's just the target of laughing is different. Regarding the notion of being "whipped" the fact that girls don't get referred to as "whipped" is probably an old-fashioned historic one - since a man was supposed to control and look after his house in the olden days. Nowadays, though, women are starting to be looked-down-upon if they let the guy run their lives. And I know plenty of guys who, if they are to do something undesirable, will happily use the excuse that it is her who wants it done.
  24. Naahhh, that's like saying "What is lacking in our relationship, that makes her feel she needs to fill it in with watching television?"
  25. The amount of profiles I've left behind from various websites I've been on, I wouldn't be surprised if they were old... Also, think about it, if he was the type to "keep his options open", he'd hardly have asked you to move in with him... That is definitely limiting to the options....
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