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Everything posted by Aurian

  1. Sounds like me offline, except for the current friends part. I am rather shy and find it hard to make friends. I lost a few recently when they moved as well. However, when you put me with people, I am friendly and easy-going, so I fit in well with an SO's friends! I do understand a guy not having a lot of friends too, especially since I am in those same shoes. If he had none though, I would want to know why and observe more carefully why... especially since my ex had no friends and there was a big flamin' reason for it. :splat:
  2. Sometimes they win you over with a wonderful fantasy persona, and then when they turn rotten, they convince you that it is your fault and if you just tried hard enough, Prince Charming would be back. And its hard to leave if you were the one who "made" them act this way. If you were convinced to believe this... Its also hard to shrug off these lies when you love the other person and trust them. It took me 3 years of abuse before I finally realized that no matter what I did, the man I married (and known for two years before that) wasn't coming back.
  3. I'm 5'11" myself and my boyfriend said that one of the reasons he was attracted to me because of my height (he's about 6'5"). I kinda liked that because some tall guys really like the shorter ladies for some reason, and I liked having my height appreciated (especially after towering over my other dates!). (Course, he did compliment me on other things, so it wasn't just the one aspect!) I like the basketball joke too
  4. You could probably look into second-hand rings if you (she) really wants white gold/platinum and a diamond. You'd probably have to pay to have it polished/cleaned up though... on second thought, maybe this idea is a bit tacky when its not an heirloom...
  5. I kinda wish I was able to live with my ex-husband before marrying him. He was nice during dates and vacations together, but when we lived together it was horrendous and abusive. No matter what I did, nothing pleased him because I was his wife and should know how to make him happy. I wish I could have lived with him for a bit and seen sooner what he is like when he is not pretending to be his best.
  6. Its only something like 5 calories, so you'd have do a LOT of blow jobs to show any effect.... O.o
  7. Depends what you want. I don't like confrontation myself and I don't respond well to being ignored, so I'd probably just delete him from MSN myself. If he wants something more, he can call you and set something up (if you're even still interested!).
  8. I think its the fighting that gives her the doubts Anyways, I don't think its a very healthy relationship if neither of you are allowed to talk to the opposite sex (heck, even if one of you weren't allowed!). There is too little trust.
  9. A sincere hug - from my bf, from my family, from my dog (yes, he is good at cuddling!).
  10. When the time passes that he cannot contest the divorce anymore, I'll delete those emails and Im conversations saved on my computer. That will be a great day (almost as good as burning the pictures of him!). For now, I feel like I need the ammo in case he decides to contest the divorce (lovely stuff on text like death threats, and a conversation where I am pleading with him to put the knife down and stop threatening to kill himself because I had supper with my family. Geez).
  11. I think the only reason women are perceived as more emotional is that it is socially acceptable for a woman to show emotion, more than it is for a man. A woman crying gets sympathy, but often a man crying would get ridicule. I think I have a very strong logical streak. Sure I have emotions, but I often reason my way through them if they feel out of proportion to reality. I only really get extreme (crying, anger, etc) when pushed and provoked a lot.
  12. I'm not picking up a shy vibe from the OP's post. This guy just doesn't seem to be interested. I'd look elsewhere for a relationship. 3 dates in a month isn't a good sign and a lack of interest in your life or lack of reason for being busy aren't either.
  13. How else can it be read? I am curious. I cannot think of a good reason for the guy to be constantly talking about his ex and comparing his ex to his new girlfriend unless he wasn't over her...
  14. Yeah, you can mention a past ex or something, but talking about one all the time to the point you're sick of it is not good at all. Also, the fact that he is comparing the ex to you is also a major red flag with the words "I'm not over her" printed on it.
  15. This is confusing... she probably acted differently in front of her boyfriend because he was THERE. She must also be with him still for some reason. Afraid to leave? Doesn't want to be alone? Loves him too? Do you reciprocate her feelings, what was your reaction? Maybe she felt like you didn't reciprocate so she's trying to hide her feelings and cling to her bf?
  16. Ugh... make me wait, I'm gonna assume you're not interested or you're playing games. Neither of which makes ME interested. Next! Anyways, don't wait too long to make plans. She might give up on you and make plans with someone else on the weekend!
  17. I'd give him one more chance. It sounds like a legitimate reason and he was good to tell you beforehand. Sometimes sh*t happens! Give him another chance to set up a date.
  18. I'm a gamer myself and its easy to get a bit carried away. A few things to do is to set limits on when and how much I will play. Also, it might be a good idea to limit games to just the X-box (fewer games and as you said, that system doesn't make you feel as shut out). I would suggest you try renting a two-player game or two. Then you can play something together (either cooperatively or vs) and he'll have a game fix and you'll have done something together with him. (I kick * * * in racing games, but he booted mine at fighting and hockey!)
  19. It is possible to get over a relationship in 6 months, but I doubt your guy has. The fact that he is talking about her all the time (even to say she's not as good as you) is NOT a good sign. She is very much on his mind still and he's trying to convince himself that he's over her.
  20. I applaud you for your courage. It must have been hard to ask him out, and harder still to hear his response. I think it is a good thing that you tried, because regrets for not trying are often worse... Maybe he doesn't reciprocate and maybe he is being honest. My advice is, can you still look at him as just a friend? Then be a friend to him. If he is ready someday, he will let you know since he now knows you're open to the idea.
  21. What does your gut say? Do you think he is worth investing more time into? You had fun on your date, but he didn't contact you back twice and then follows up a week later saying that he was confused about things. Myself, I am getting a weird vibe. He's already bewildered and its only the first date? Unless you came on really strong or really "weak" I don't see why he would react this way unless he had some issue...
  22. That's a wee bit fast... I think you might be a rebound date. Ambivalent is also pretty bad too. Might have thought better of it if it was a resounding no, but she sounds like she might go running back to him. Okay, that doesn't bother me. I'm afraid I can be a bit of a flake myself sometimes and forget if I have an appointment or meeting, and I always commit to the one made first. Now, this bothers me. Now you have a pattern of two broken dates and the second one is for a very lame reason. My fav TV show is House. I love the show. Watch it every week. But if a guy I was interested in asked me out, I'd say "Screw House!" Ugh, don't like this at all. She seems to be showing him off to you for some reason (trying to make you jealous?). She could not send the picture at all or crop him out. Games... ugh. Seems a bit self centred then... she might just be a taker... All of the above, don't bother to call her. Also, listen to your gut. Its gonna be right most of the time, especially since you have reasons to back it up...
  23. Don't sweat over a few hours. I'd start to worry if its a few DAYS, hey? She might not have checked her phone, or left it at home or suchlike. If you don't hear back from her soon, then yeah, give her a call (sometimes those electronic things don't work!). It sounds like she likes you.
  24. Well, its cute when you like the other person, but if you don't, then yeah it feels a bit creepy because the other is trying to force the intimacy. When you both feel a connection, then those words work.
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