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Everything posted by sophie274

  1. I just had to jump in here. I'm only 18 so I don't know much of anything about buying houses/401 Ks and the like. But I am a native of Paris - my father is French and I was born there and lived there for most of my childhood. I am absolutely head over heels in love with my home "town". I'm not too sure about the Visa, but I think it's certainly a lot easier to get a French visa than an American one. Also, contrary to popular belief, the French are pretty welcoming to tourists. And most of them do speak English. You CAN also live cheaply in Paris - if you are willing to forgo some comfort - there are little rooms in the top stories of appartment buildings (so-called "chambres de bonnes") that have common bathrooms and kitchens, or you can rent a small studio. You are older, but when my mother was about 22 she worked as a nanny/household helper (for a 15 year old girl), and thereforeeee got free room and board, so if that's something you're interested in, it's an easy way to deal with the housing situation. In the couple she worked for, the husband was/is a very famous author, and so she was lucky enough to meet quite a few people when they would have parties and so on. I think it might be challenging, but as someone absolutely gaga over Paris I would tell you to go!
  2. There's always the chance of pre-cum, which can contain sperm, which could find their way to an egg. Your boyfriend is being safe and reasonable and should continue wearing a condom.
  3. I don't believe in the magic age of 18. Turning 18 does not transform you from immature into mature - it's just another birthday. Some people are mature before 18, and some not until much later. However, I do think you are too young to be having sex, especially after reading what you said about masturbation. You want to have sex with random guys, yet masturbation is gross? Masturbation is essentially an imitation of the act of sex, so if you think having your fingers down there is gross, imagine what it would be like with a penis - I would say you are definitely not ready to have sex. If you change your mind, as Bally said, experiment with porn or masturbation. Or just stick to the fantasies and leave it at that.
  4. I think BellaDonna's meal suggestions are really good. A lot better balanced than your current diet. However, I do think you're not getting enough calories. From what I've read and heard, a woman needs 10 calories per pound of body weight so as not to lower metabolism too much. That would be about 1650 calories per day for you. I'm not sure from your post if you're trying to lose weight (sounds like you're not), but consuming more calories every day will speed up your metabolism, and allow your muscles to correctly recover from exercise. If you're eating 700 calories per day and burning 200 from exercise, you are probably starving your body! Remember - if your metabolism is average - you probably burn about 1500 a day just going about business as usual, sitting/walking around/sleeping/breathing etc ...
  5. I would just say something like "would you like to grab lunch". I think she'll get the point.
  6. Unless you're a multi-millionaire and you show it, I doubt a 25 year old woman is thinking of getting with a 19 year old guy "for the money". She has a job: I'm sure she can afford to pay for her own lunches. If she seems cool, I would go on the date.
  7. Hi First of all let me say I've been lurking around reading your posts, and I think you sound like a really cool girl. I'm also 18 years old, and I really hope things look up for you. Orgasm question: I remember reading one of your posts which said your boyfriend did not go down on you (I think). I don't know how long ago that was/if things have changed, but if not, maybe try that? Apart from that I am really pretty inexperienced so I will leave the advice giving to others. BC question: I'm also on the combined pill, and I also take it religiously. When we first started having sex, my boyfriend (STD free) used condoms, and then that sort of faded away. After one month of not using condoms, I was way too worried. So now we've gone back to both forms of BC. I think about it this way: I *really* do not want to get pregnant right now, and I really do not want to have a child. I also would not want to have a child and then give him/her up for adoption. But even though I'm pro-choice, deciding to have an abortion is not a decision I want to make. My boyfriend is catholic, and even though he would let me do what I wanted, he would feel uncomfortable with it. So I figure 2 forms of contraception are best. I would say whatever you do depends on how you feel about these issues. If you do not want to raise a child, but feel fine aobut either adoption/abortion, I wouldn't worry about too much. After all, the chance that you will get pregnant is really low. But if neither one of the solutions would really please you, then I would play it extra safe.
  8. As you yourself pointed out, it sounds like you really lack self-confidence. And yes, to many women (including myself) self-confidence (NOT overdone though - arrogance is DEFINITELY a turn-off) is very attractive. You said something in your original post about "showing women how much you love them" or something close to that (sorry I haven't figured out how to quote the text). Maybe you are being a bit too forward too fast. Personally, I don't like grand declarations of love or big gifts or things of that nature early on in the dating process. From what I've read on this board, I think others are the same way. Maybe you need to try to adopt a more casual attitude? Same goes for the spark. Seems to me, you don't really "create the spark" (or extinguish it for that matter!). It's just sort of there? Maybe if you relax a bit more, and don't try quite as hard, things will come more naturally.
  9. Hi I've been following this thread. Congratulations! I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well - you must be so excited!
  10. I really think you should call your "ex" (Thomas) and officially dump him. After all, he could just think you're busy or something. I would suggest informing him that you two are over, then resuming NC.
  11. I also don't think he is making a crack at you or trying to allude to something (like that you should work out or aren't attractive etc ...). However, if his teasing is making you feel uncomfortable, I think you should speak up. If you are with a bunch of other people, just shrug the comment off, but, later on, approach him with something like "I know you love to tease me but sometimes it's a little bit much and I find it hurtful". My bet would be that he will understand where you're coming from and tone it down a bit.
  12. Maybe you're nervous around girls you like, but completely relaxed and fun around those you don't like, because you're not trying to impress them?
  13. Yes, your period should come during the placebo pill week (the "fake" sugar ones). You might have some breakthrough bleeding before and after then, but your "period" should come during the week where you are taking inactive pills.
  14. There are two ways to start taking the pill: so called Sunday-start and Day One Start. Day one start is when you start taking it on the first day of your period - you are then protected right away (this is what the drug companies who give you your pill tell you). However, a lot of people think it takes one month for the pill to become fully "integrated" into your system, and that you should use back-up birth control for that month. My doctor told me two weeks. I guess you should do whatever makes you feel safe. Sunday start - which I assume is what you did, although you can theoretically start any day of the week - is when you start on any random day. For this option the drug companies tell you to use back-up for 7 days. The month thing still applies: again, I would do whatever makes you feel safe.
  15. This is more information on the condition: please go to a hospital. Although the money is a problem, it sure beats serious injury/death. Acetaminophen Overdose (Tylenol overdose and Paracetamol overdose) Acetaminophen is one of the most commonly used over-the-counter pain relievers and fever-reducers. It is also found in combination with many over-the-counter and prescription medications, such as Tylenol Cold, Darvocet, Tylenol #3, and Percocet. Acetaminophen is metabolized (processed) by the liver. When too much acetaminophen is taken, the normal liver-processing system becomes overwhelmed, and the liver uses a second processing system. This second processing system, unfortunately, turns the acetaminophen into a very toxic substance that severely damages the liver. Initially often only nausea/vomiting/sweating, then no other symptoms for 24 hours. At 24-48 hours, liver damage occurs, which can lead to right upper quadrant abdominal pain, jaundice (yellow skin) or icterus (yellow eyes), confusion, coma, kidney failure, and death. Taking more acetaminophen than directions call for on the bottle Taking acetaminophen from more than one source without realizing it Use of acetaminophen by those who use alcohol or who have liver disease Suicide attempts History of acetaminophen overdose Examination may show jaundice (yellow skin) or icterus (yellow eyes), confusion, or coma. Blood Tests: Acetaminophen level is elevated Liver test abnormally high-elevated AST, ALT, bilirubin Kidney tests may be high-elevated BUN, creatinine Tests may be done to rule out the presense of other drugs. Patients with a history of alcohol abuse, liver disease, children above age 6, the elderly, or those who take medications for seizures can develop acetaminophen toxicity at doses near or just above those recommended. The stomach should be emptied by forced emesis using ipecac syrup (induces vomiting) or gastric lavage (tube placed in stomach and material in stomach flushed, then suctioned out). Both of these measures need to done within 2 hours of the acetaminophen overdose. Induction of vomiting at home should only be done as directed by a physician or Poison Control. After 2 hours, activated charcoal is given, binding to acetaminophen to prevent its further absorption. In the hospital, if the physician determines that the blood level of acetaminophen is toxic, N-acetylcysteine (Mucormyst) is given. N-acetylcysteine is an antidote for the toxins produced by acetaminophen, and may be effective up to 36 hours or more after Tylenol overdose. Even without any symptoms, you need to seek immediate attention by contacting Poison Control, calling 911, or going to a hospital. Many individuals have few symptoms early on. Consequently, by the time symptoms develop, severe liver damage may occur, and even death.
  16. Hi there I don't mean to scare you, but please take into account my post about the effect on acetaminophen (Tylenol) on the liver and sometimes kidneys. It could take up to four days for something to manifest itself, but when it does, it could be VERY serious. Please please please go to the hospital. I understand the problem: hospitals often are very expensive. Do you have anyone who could pay the bill for you (family, friends)? I suggest this because, from a lot of the scientific literature I have found on the internet and from talking to doctors, this could be a LIFE-THREATENING situation. Please go to the hospital ASAP.
  17. Hi cranberry, I am sometimes guilty of the same thing as you. When I am having a bad day, I get quieter and a little withdrawn. I've often hoped my boyfriend (of 6 months) would pick up on that and try to cheer me up. But I guess what I've learned is what DN is saying: that just doesn't work. He wouldn't understand, I would get frustrated, thinking "I can pick up on his moods/feelings, why doesn't he just get mine?". Well hey, he just doesn't. We are two different people with different ways of processing situations and emotions, and it's really hard for him to guess what's going on with me. Communication! The approach that has worked for me is saying "I'm having a bit of bad day, can you cheer me up?" or just making sure I get a big hug. In the case of people you don't know very well, I might suggest "faking it". Let me explain. In my experience, I've found that most people like happy people. Put on a smile for a bit, give him a nice hello. This shouldn't be too painful for you to do, and I would bet you will reap the benefits. Seeing him happy might cheer you up, and having a light conversation with him might as well. Or at the very least, you've been nice to him for long enough to maybe strike up a conversation, during which you can mention to him your bad day: maybe you'll find out he's really good at making you feel better!
  18. I agree with majord23. As others have said before: your goal is to PROVE to her the content of that text message, i.e. that you can take it slow and let her have her space and that you two can work it out together. You need to show her this, not tell her. By sending her that message, you are doing the exact opposite of what you promise in the message: pressuring her. Please let her have the time she asked for: don't worry, she hasn't forgotten about you!
  19. Hi I've worked at a doctor's office before, and I've found that they do sort of keep track of patients. Not frequency of visits per say - just because you go every couple of months for refills does not mean they will take you less seriously! - but I would say yes, if someone has a history of coming in with all the time with a bunch of weird complaints, his or her next visit might be taken with a grain of salt. I guess I understand how this happens - doctors are only human - but I think it's regrettable. Just because things seem weird does not mean that the patient is not being perfectly honest, and some funny symptoms could just be masking an unusual condition. Hopefully even though doctors may have a human bias towards taking certain patients less seriously, their professional side will take over, and they will treat every complaint fairly. I wouldn't let this stop you! Just dig in and go - you have a problem, you need it to be fixed, and yes, no matter how often you go, it's still their job. If some immature nurses or doctors want to make fun of you, whatever - it's their issue, not yours.
  20. PS. This is a fact that is unfortunately not as well known as it should be, since many attempted suicides are presumed to have failed only for the individual to become violently sick a few days afterwards. I hope you take this warning seriously - you can find it on the internet it is a medical fact. Once you start feeling the effects of liver failure there will be very little time and very little doctors can do. You need to go to a hospital NOW. Good luck. I will be thinking of you.
  21. Hello there Please get to a hospital ASAP. Tylenol overdoses often produce no immediate symptoms. However, within a few days, you will experience acute liver failure. Below is a quite technical explanation from a website How does an overdose of acetaminophen cause liver injury? The answer is that liver damage from acetaminophen occurs when the glutathione pathway is overwhelmed by too much of acetaminophen's metabolite, NAPQI. Then, this toxic compound accumulates in the liver and causes the damage. Furthermore, alcohol and certain medications such as phenobarbital, phenytoin, or carbamezepine (anti-seizure medications) or isoniazid (anti-TB drug) can significantly increase the damage. They do this by making the cytochrome P-450 system in the liver more active. This increased P-450 activity, as you might expect, results in an increased formation of NAPQI from the acetaminophen. Additionally, chronic alcohol use, as well as the fasting state or poor nutrition, can each deplete the liver's glutathione. So, alcohol both increases the toxic compound and decreases the detoxifying material. Accordingly, the bottom line in an acetaminophen overdose is that when the amount of NAPQI is too much for the available glutathione to detoxify, liver damage occurs. It says that combined with alcohol, the effects are even more serious. Go to a hospital as soon as possible, RIGHT AWAY. Tell them exactly what you took. With suspected acetaminophen overdose, the doctors usually will pump (gavage) the patient's stomach to remove pill fragments. In reality, many individuals who overdose with acetaminophen in a suicide attempt will have taken other pills in addition. Some doctors, thereforeeee, will consider treating the patient with activated charcoal, which binds (and thereby inactivates) many medications. However, this treatment is controversial because of a concern that the activated charcoal may also bind the antidote for acetaminophen overdose. Get help right away. If not, this would most likely prove fatal. If you get help, you could be ok!
  22. Hi there I am currently in my first serious relationship. We started having sex a few months ago, and were both virgins before. When things started getting kind of hot and heavy, I decided I needed to have a talk with him, to find out about past relationships/experiences and so on, did he want to take the next step, and also all the technical issues about birth control, stds and so on. I also wanted to find out what his thoughts were on (premarital) sex, pregnancy if it should happen and so forth, especially as he is catholic (I guess I thought there might be some issues there). Yes, initiating conversation was pretty awkward. I pretty much asked bluntly. But after the initial blushing we had a really good, intimate conversation in which we both shared a bunch of personal things. After talking to him - and finding out that he was a virgin - I was a lot less stressed. It was actually almost two months after that conversation that we ended up doing the deed, but I remember it as a really great loving moment. I would suggest talking to your girlfriend. Remember, if she has had sex before, that's ok. She's with you now, so you have to believe that when she tells you she loves you, she means it more than any other guy she's said it to. I think if you are both open about past experience and what you want now, it will go fantastically well. Good luck!
  23. Definitely join a club. I bet there are a bunch of super fun options. Also remember, a lot of college-aged guys are shy and insecure! If they think you are pretty, they might very well be a little intimidated by you. However, if you put on a smile (I know - it's hard sometimes) and started talking to them, I bet they'd be very pleased. Maybe there's someone cool in your dorm who also seems to have a fun social life: you could start trying to get to know that person (boy/girl) and if you two click, you could tag along for an evening and meet a few people. If you're feeling down, try to find something that you can do alone that cheers you up (watching a dvd, going for a walk, calling a friend from home ...), or go next door just to say hi - being around other people can help. Don't despair. I went to boarding school for my last two years of high school and had a tough time making friends (college was easier - there's something to be said for the second time around), but eventually it did happen. And I had a great time!
  24. Hi - I am a freshman in college and have been dating my boyfriend for five months. We are both on the crew team (different squads though - so no weird situations), and I guess we got to know each other over fall break when all the teams were training. We would see each other at the boathouse, at parties on the week-end, then we started IMing quite a bit, after a few weeks actually went on dates (dinner, a movie, a play, getting coffee). We would also watch DVDs together, have lunch/dinner together in the dining hall. I know what you mean about meeting people at parties - I don't drink very much at all and it all seems kind of useless as half of the people you meet might not even remember you the next day! I guess it's easier to meet someone who is in a club or on a team with you, since you can strike up a casual conversation about your common interest. It's true that the structure of college means that it's hard to tell what guys are after. Some want hook-ups, some want dating, some want relationships. I would say though that if you started hanging out with one guy in particular, you could probably feel out what he was after. I've also found if you're not actively "looking", it just usually happens. Good luck!
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