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  1. My girlfriend and I have been dating for 3 years. For the first year of our relationship we were long distance. So during Covid I moved to Canada to be with her and went through many obstacles to make it work so we can be together. I moved away from my home, family, and relocated my job to her city so we could be together. Recently, my dad has gone through some health problems and I need to go home to the U.S to take care of him for a few months because he’s not doing well. I told her this and said I wanted to bring her with me so we wouldn’t be apart. She doesn’t want to go with me unless I propose and demands that I do or she isn’t going to coming. I made the point that I already left everything and moved to be with her but she thinks that I’m in the wrong. My stance is if your the one for me shouldn’t you want to come with me no matter what? I already moved my whole life to be with you without hesitation and you can’t give me the same commitment back. I want to eventually propose I feel it should be on my own terms and not be pressured to do it by anyone.
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