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  1. Words talk, actions SCREAM...and (IMO) he's not acting like he has any regard for you all. As long as you don't come between him and his next high, things will be just fine.... Don't walk, RUN! He does at times but then he doesn't so it confuses me.
  2. I don't know how I feel.. and I don't know how I'm supposed to feel at all. Like I can't say I'm angry because I'm not.. and I don't know how to deal with everything that has been going on so I'm just really one confused person at the moment.
  3. yeah I know, it does seem like i'm last place and just a rebound he comes back to but I'm not 100% sure on this. he also says he loves me and I believe him.. I don't know.
  4. Ok well I'm really confused about how I'm meant to feel towards my boyfriend and what I'm supposed to do as many things have happened recently; first off he never comes through with what he says. He tells me he will do things and I'll ask him about it and he'll say he forgot. When we had a break, he told me he loved me and a day later he spoke to this girl and said he was totally over me and didn't care about me. He'll tell me things and then say "he forgot" (he's in a drug psychosis at the moment). He promises he'll get off the drugs but takes them the next day and when he's paranoid he takes the paranoia out on me. He makes plans with me and then messages me on the day I'm supposed to see him and says he's with his friends.. so basically as soon as his friends call him he drops all plans made with me to go out with them and get wasted. He's always, ALWAYS accusing me of cheating when I'd never ever cheat on him. He tried to get on to 2 of my friends in front of me, his excuse was "i was wasted" Also, I'll admit I'm pretty insecure about my physique yet he tells me how hot girls are and how they have nice tits etc etc. He said he says it to piss me off. I'm also not comfortable with him looking at porn and all those magazines and going to strip clubs and I told him yet he disregards my wishes of him not going or looking at them. If he really wanted me to quit something or not go to something and if it made him feel really uncomfortable, I wouldn't do it because I know it would make him feel awkward. I've never been in this situation before.
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