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  1. I do have health insurance, but I also cannot deny that I am still hoping that he might show that he is willing to be a part of this. There is one class next week that I know that we will have together, so I will try to have a talk with him there. I am not quite sure what to expect from a guy like him; I have heard that a guy who ends up being the type who is considered highly attractive by lots of girls in a certain environment is "tricky" to deal with, although I am not sure what that means.
  2. I have a clinic at my college, and I will probably go there next week or so. We did enjoy each other a lot during sex, so that part worked out very well. I would follow him home after school most days, and we would start having sex for maybe half an hour as soon as we got inside, then we would lie and talk sweetly to each other for a while, and then start having sex again. I am not sure which activities that are more likely to break condoms, but we had a lot of sex in the cowgirl position, and it would typically be at a high intensity and for a pretty long time, so I feel like this might have made one of the condoms break, or maybe slip off a bit.
  3. There is maybe a 20-30% chance that I will decide on an abortion at the moment, since a lot of things feel unprepared. I am not sure what I should expect from a guy like this, but my guess is that he feels a huge rush from seeing pretty girls flirt with him everywhere and trying to seduce him in various ways, so he will most likely want to enjoy that time for a lot longer.
  4. Aa okay, I will think about that. Now when I think about it, I believe I might also still consider abortion, since I feel that I am pregnant in a tricky situation, with school studies and a hesitant father and all of that. But I will think about it.
  5. I have told my parents that I am pregnant and how it happened, and they were a bit shocked, but also delighted and said that they would help me with it as much as they could, and that I wouldn't need to worry about that part. I have also considered talking to the guy I dated, and telling him that he doesn't need to be involved if he doesn't want to. I will admit though that it would be wonderful if he did say that he was interested in being involved, since it would be beautiful if we went through this together and tried to develop a relationship together. However, I also realise that he is probably very tempted by all the attention that he gets from other girls, and that he is exhilarated by having his pick without effort like that.
  6. Oh sorry, I meant that I got tested by a doctor. I live in California. My parents would be able to help me, so that is a good thing. However, I do also feel that I would love if he wanted to try to develop something with me, so that we could try to become real partners. But I will not hope for that too much. I will try talking to him one more time next week, and then I will let him decide for himself what to do about it.
  7. We didn't really discuss it very much - we were mostly careful to use protection, and we trusted that nothing would happen. But we also had lots of sex, so there were many occasions when he might have had an orgasm after a condom might have broken. Yes, and it didn't show anything.
  8. I feel quite fine right now, although I do also wish that he would have shown that he was willing to share this with me. But I have also accepted that he may not be willing to do that. I will try to talk to him one more time next week, and ask him what he wants to do.
  9. I have tested myself, and I was fine. He did use condoms, however we also had lots of sex, and I would guess that one of the condoms probably broke and then we didn't notice it. I want to keep the baby, however I would also wish that he was ready for it as well. He did seem a bit delighted when I told him that I was pregnant, and I felt that I started to like him while we met, so I wish that we could make this work together in some way, if he makes up his mind. But I am also ready to be myself in this.
  10. Hello everyone, I am in a bit of a problematic situation right now that I think I need some help with. I am 18 years old, and about 2 months ago I approached and flirted with a gorgeous and very popular guy at my college, and we ended up sleeping with each other on several occasions for about a week. He dumped me after that, since it turned out that he was the type of guy who slept around a lot (he always gets lots of invites from other girls), and a couple weeks later I found out that he had made me pregnant. I have told him about this, and he seemed to react with a bit of delight, but he mostly seemed surprised and a bit uncomfortable, and he hasn't given me a clear answer of how he wants to handle this. I am not sure what I should say to him - should I approach him again about this, or should I forget about him?
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