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Everything posted by Saynomind

  1. Oh, interesting. I learn something new every day. I really didn't know that ( *the attraction but not wanting to date part). To be honest, I did want him to date at first but with all random gestures and cold shoulder, it put me me off. It's already sounds like hard work. I am okay with just being a co- worker. Everyone's insight/input helped aswell. Thanks Y'all. 😊
  2. I think it was both. As I wasn't sure if I was misreading the signs that he was only being nice. I hope that makes sense.
  3. I think that's the best solution. I will continue doing me and get on with work as normal.🙂
  4. He's straight. I was professional at first then I tried to flirting back(maybe my flirting game was not great lool) I think self confidence is key. I believe some of this stem from what I think of myself. I need to work on me and develop myself. It's been a while since we spoke and I think it's already died out. If I see him, I will be friendly but otherwise leave it platonic.
  5. Hi. So I've always not had the best results with guys So a little background info about me. I am a late bloomer. I was a chubby kid until I was 17 years old when I shed the weight. I never had much interaction with the opposite gender so I never thought I was somewhat desirable. It didnt faze me when I was young as I was too busy doing with school and extra sport activities. It was only when I got to my 20s that I started notice guys more. My look changed, I started to put effort on my style and even added some make up to my everyday look. I would always get compliments from my friends (girls) on my looks but never knew if I appealed to guys. So I never knew if a guy liked me or was just being nice.. One time at my work I was on a break and I met this guy from another department. He made the point to say hello to me and ask me if I was new. We striked up a conversation and quickly got on. I like to think I'm an observant but in each of these interaction. I was noticing a few things that made me question whether he was talking to me to be nice or was firlting. For example, the first day he met me I noticed that he scanned my whole body and face then smile. He started to compliment my attire, saying things " you look good today" , " I like the shirt you are wearing today". Bear in mind, I never once start complimenting him. I kept it quite professional and friendly. I think this sign threw me off. One time he saw me from afar, he waved then he made a point to blow a kiss. I was shocked about this since it was kinda corny and a bold gesture for a work friend. You see in most cases, I would have mark this as creepy but I will be honest that I was attracted to him. To get this kinda of attention is not something I'm used to. So I assume the feeling was mutual. So I flirted back. I think I was quite obvious showing that I liked him. However in the next few days. I realised things changed and he started to avoid me. He sees me and pretends to not see me. He avoids making eye contact with me. I was so confused and thought I read him wrong. I kinda felt dejected and stupid. It was like I was that chubby kid again. Long story short, Nothing happened between us and we stop speaking. I am not sure if my lack of experience with guys meant that I read the situation wrong. Now whenever, I speak to a guy ( I'm interested in) I cant never tell if he is being nice to me or likes me. So I want ask- did I read the situation wrong? Was he being nice and I misread for something else?
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