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Everything posted by Caterina

  1. Caterina


    Lol, locke you're so funny. Good point, though. I'm strong, I'm strong! I think its just normal to need other human beings...especially for me. I really want to meet someone special already.
  2. Yeah, I don't believe that we visited the moon either.
  3. Caterina


    I'm lonely. I'm tired of waiting for someone to come into my life. No one loves me.
  4. Well, I read it in Cosmo...which isn't exactly a scholarly resource or anything.
  5. But what if you fall in love? I mean come on...what if they're really special. I am not gonna let something like my job stop me from having the possible love of my life. Moreso, it just seems like a waste of oppurtunity. I mean, you already at least have some common interests if they work at the same place... More importantly, though, what if he's just plain hot? heh
  6. If it was fate, then fate would have made sure you hooked up. What will be will be.
  7. Why do so many people say that? You know, they say that around 75% of marriages resulted from workplace romances.
  8. Yay! A reply!! But which one are you talking about? The first or the last?
  9. Honestly, nothing helped me to forgive my ex until I asked God to help me. I don't think I could have done it on my own.
  10. rofl i know the feeling...except its not at work
  11. I was wondering about subtle signs when it comes to attraction. What if a guy smiles at you and always starts up a conversation with you when you see him? What if he says that you're cool? Or What if a guy always seems to be close to you, but never actually speaks with you. If there is a company dinner, he sits within vicinity. This one guy lingered over a seat near me but then instead sat very close. Is this a sign of shyness or disinterest or just a lack of noticing you? What do you think of these signs: He'll look at you, until you turn around, then boom, he's looking the other way. You may 'feel' like he's watching you - but he's hard to catch at it He may do something physical - like grab you in a play way, poke you, play with your hair... (Remember when you were really young and the guy you liked punched you or tackled you?) He may be working really hard to pay attention to you, but doesn't quite know how image removed He may ask a friend of yours about you - he'll say it's just for "friend of mine" that wants to know about you. He talks to everybody else - but when you're around he turns silent, or chokes up. You seem to accidentally bump into him a lot of different places. He may not say a word to you, but he shows up in the same line, at the same movie, etc. He'll give you a little smile from accross the room, but if you get near, he won't look up.
  12. They say its easier to keep clean! Do we cut off the umbilical cord? Its a part of the woman's body. Do we pull out our wisdom teeth? They're natural.
  13. Are you ever sick of the ridiculous idea that logic and emotions are in opposition with each other? And then from that stems the idea that men tend to be more logical and women tend to be more emotional? What an idiotic idea! Yet, it seems to be the framework that a lot of assumptions are based on!
  14. Just make up excuses ...lol, thats what I'd do. I know I'm bad.
  15. She shouldn't ask that in front of family...was she joking around? I've asked boyfriends this before though...circumcision is supposed to be better for hygiene and it also has a religious attachment for some people (not me). I've known a lot of women friends who had boyfriends that were uncircumcised...they always seemed to have problems when it came to sex! The men get cut down there more easily and they are more sensitive to pain. When they were cut, it was painful for them to have sex...I've known of at least three isolated cases from word of mouth.
  16. I think he was being insensitive and you had a right to snap.
  17. It may be circular but I think its a causal relationship from how you're treated by society. As a child, I was horridly treated by other children (and also adults) for the way I looked/acted. I think as a result I turned to books and other curiosity-seeking activities. I'm not quiet or reserved around friends. I'm specifically socially anxious because of strong memories of facing distinct unacceptance in large groups of people. As far as a correlation...I think that often people who weren't accepted socially tend to be deeper thinkers...but this is based only on personal experience, not any type of logical deduction.
  18. History is history. They've been together for three years. He doesn't like her anymore. When and if he starts to contact her, then you can start worrying. I agree with the previous poster. Forget about this girl, she's gone.
  19. You don't need someone like this in your life! Get someone who will appreciate you and treat you well.
  20. I agree with you on this...I think that is what also caused my shyness.
  21. I'm a first born and I'm also very shy. Our Mother was a dominant figure in the household although our father was certainly not absent. Two of my siblings are very outgoing and my brother and myself are very shy. We also tend to be the more intellectual types (comparitively speaking) in the family.
  22. It sounds like it will grow into a beautiful relationship with time, romantic or platonic...
  23. In what specific ways can I be warm and friendly?
  24. But there are a lot of people who don't attract what they desire? I mean, I've had plenty of people who I didn't desire attracted to me. I definetly think you have something there behind the idea that I need to take more initiative. I think I am going to try to be more friendly.
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