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  1. He can't help it; we were all raised in a society that holds the belief that thin is beautiful. The good news is that he still loves you and will always love you because he loves you for who you are not what you look like. However, his sexual interest will be less because to him thin is beautiful. There are many things you can try to increase his sexual interest (porn, toys, lingerie), but they are band-aids. If you really want to get him back in bed, you'll have to lose the weight. I recommend fad diets; they have worked for me.
  2. Dear Pebbles, It sounds to me like this man is irresponsible. He is not going to support the baby willfully. If I were in your situation, I would be trying to find a man who would really take care of me instead of being an irresponsible loser. If you hold strong religious convictions, then you will be doing a lot of harm to yourself by having an abortion, because you will feel guilty about it forever. Otherwise, my recommendation would be to not have the baby since the father won't admit that he's the father. Another thing to consider is that the more children you have the harder it may be for you to find another husband. If you're not interested in finding another husband, then it doesn't really matter. But most importantly, you need to get over this guy. He's bad news. Move on with your life and let him go. Good luck!
  3. I totally feel for you, I have gone through some of the same things. Here is what I would do in your shoes: leverage your friendship. As her friend, you know a lot about her, and you know what kind of person she is, and you are around her a lot. These are HUGE advantages! So here's how I'd approach it. When she's gonna come over, try to dress a little nicer than you normally do. Maybe shave or wear some cologne. Make a point of giving her "friendship" gifts whenever you can. But be discrete, start slow. Act like you're being friendly not flirty. Try to find excuses to be just slightly more affectionate than you are normally. Try to touch her once in a while, friendly pats on the shoulder, playful shoves, untie her shoe laces while she's not looking, etc. and slowly make them a little more than just friendly. Woman will TOTALLY pick up on hints like this. If she shares your feelings she will return the flirts, and this interaction will cause it to accellerate. As you each push it a little farther with each contact, you will eventually get to the point that you both realize you're more than just friends. Just let it come as naturally as possible. Good luck!
  4. I don't know anything about the guy... but I can think of 2 possibilities: 1) he's struggling ethically, he was raised with a set of moral standards and then departed from them. Like me I was raised a christian and had all these strict standards but being a guy I couldn't maintain them, for a long time I struggled going back and forth. I bet lots of people thought I was so messed up. Eventually I left christianity and don't have any problems any more. 2) he is just a player, he's got more than one girl and he chose the other one so he had to get rid of you. Alternately, he may have decided that you aren't his type and so he dumped you. Either way the guy never really loved you, he was using you. Keep looking! There really are good, decent men out there. Good luck!
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