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Shy femme

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  1. Okay. Does anyone think though that inviting him to study with me alone was kindof an obvious sign? Some of my friends have thought so, thereforeeee they are advising me to move on. Guys...if a girl asked you to study with her over e-mail would you automatically read into it that she might be interested in you?
  2. Maybe I should add that most of the really agitated behaviour (the hand wringing, heel-pumping) occurred literally just after I sat down beside him, before I mentioned the possibility of studying together. I dunno...I'm still confused . Do any shy guys out there do similar things? Let me know how you act around girls you like. Last Thursday he did come up and say hi...however that could just be friendliness.
  3. Hi Everyone, There is this person I am really interested in and I am trying to decide whether or not he is interested in me. He's not an outgoing guy - he did not speak to me until I spoke to him. He does not usually make eye contact with me, although a few times we've had prolonged eye contact. After one occasion he came over and sat beside me. On other occasions I've seen him preening, fixing his hair, his clothes, giving a "crotch display" and tilting his head towards me. Recently I asked him to join a study group I'm organizing. He e-mailed me back quite promptly and included a wink emoticon, giving me available dates and times. He asked what the study group would entail, so I e-mailed him a detailed description. He then replied that he didn't think he could do it (he listed several reasons and emphasized that he wasn't shunning us). I then e-mailed him and said if you want to study with me in the few days before the exam, you're welcome to. He didn't respond, but the next day he came up to me before our tutorial and we chatted. Then we went into our tutorial room and I sat down beside him. I basically assumed that because of his heavy workload he wouldn't want to study with me, and said so to him. He seemed really nervous and agitated; he moved his chair away and then back, fidgeted (heel-pumping and hand-cracking) crossed his legs, uncrossed them, slouched, hunched forward and away, crossed his arms over his chest. I think these are definitely negative nonverbal signs but at same time, I know shy, insecure people tend to give off negative signs, even when they are attracted to someone. I know I've turned my back on him (I did that day) and I've deliberately avoided making eye contact with him. Moreover I cross my arms a lot. How do you think I should proceed? Do you think there is a chance that he might be interested? I would it be wise to just give up now?
  4. All you shy men out there, Are you aware of your body language around the person who are attracted to? Are you aware of what you do with your body? Do you feel nervous? Cross your arms?
  5. Hi SF, I have one question for you: When you're around the girl you like do you cross your legs? Hold yourself (i.e. cross your arms) Fidget? Are you aware of your body language? Being shy, I know that when I really like someone I send off so-called 'negative' signals. I doodle, I turn my back on them, I even feel kind of weird smiling!
  6. In response to your question, we're in a half-credit course together, that will be ending fairly shortly. If this helps at all, here is the text of the e-mail he sent me explaining why he couldn't be in the study group. Hey [my name], I've just been going over my schedule for the next little while, and my term is rapidly getting worse and worse. In all likelyhood, I will not be able to start studying for this class until Dec 10th (or more likely the 11th), so I'm not sure that would be fair to the rest of the study group. Just so you know I'm not shunning the three of you there are a number of factors conspiring to keep me busy: most of my grad applications are due the end of november and several major assignments for my thesis and engineering classes. Also, just today I discovered that for the first time engineering exams start before the end of arts and science classes, which is quite disastrous because my classes are half-and-half between the two, so with science and engineering exams on the 7th, 9th, 10th I will most likely only be able to spend from after that third exam until the history exam studying (realistically speaking). Thank you for thinking to include me in the study group though, it is much appreciated. See you bring and early tomorrow! [i think he meant to say bright...I had used this expression in a previous e-mail]. Cheers, [Name] So I think I can pretty safely say he cares, which I suppose is a good thing! However he did decline the invitation I sent him to study with me individually Moreover as I said his body language is perplexing... I've noticed that when I look at him in our class he won't smile at me, but when we talk to each other one-on-one he does! Once in class (after I asked for his e-mail address) we made eye contact and he came and sat beside me. But other times he avoids it. Also when we sit near each other he does use so-called "closed" signals. However these very same "closed signals" which mean that someone isn't interested (crossed arms and legs) are the exact same ones that characterize shyness and insecurity!
  7. There is this young man in my history tutorial whom I am intensely attracted to and I am trying to figure out if he is possibly attracted to me. I sent him an e-mail inviting him to join a study group I was organizing for our exam, and initially he seemed interested. However recently he sent me a long e-mail explaining that he can't committ anymore because his workload is too heavy (He is in fourth-year nano engineering and is applying to graduate school). He stressed that he didn't mean to "shun" me. I then replied inviting him to study with me individually before our exam. The next day, at our tutorial, he came up to chat with me but did not mention my invitation. I myself finally brought it up, suggesting that likely he would want to study by himself. He concurred. Given that you could interpret my e-mail as a stronger indication of romantic interest, should I take this to mean he just wants to be friends? Or does he just really prefer to study alone? He is clearly not an outgoing guy. We've only started to talk to each other recently, and I am the one who initiated the contact. Thus not sure how to interpret his body language. Sometimes he moves away from me and figets (which is very negative), but then other times he mirrors me, preens, does the so-called "crotch display," self-touching and tilts his head. What should I do?
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