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Everything posted by AMC1995

  1. Day 30 I don't feel that depressed anymore, but , I miss her the same regardless. I guess I felt like destiny cut things off too shortly for me to really absorb the breakup. What I mean is, I still feel like I have business with my Ex. Unlike others here, I don't have the satisfaction of thinking that Breaking up with my Ex was for the better, nor did we do anything bad to eachother. Just timing and circumstance really ate at her with the LDR we had. Sometimes I want to reach out and talk to her again, what I'd do to see her smile and laugh at me. Of course I'm trying to move on, but regardless .. I like clinging on to this hope in the back of my mind. I just feel like I can easily contact my ex and ask her what she's up to y'know? it just feels Easy AF lol. I don't like the idea of dating other people now that I think about it more and more today. I kind of feel sour at the idea honestly. Just doesn't feel right. Hooking up? sure why not, but I don't think I can date right now. Maybe she'll contact me before the spring semester ends, who knows. I just know that I love her with all my heart.
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