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Everything posted by MissCanuck

  1. Exactly. OP, can you see how this continued and sporadic contact with him is keeping you stuck even now. Page after page of ruminating, speculating, repeating yourself, asking the same questions over and over? This "friendship" is not good for your mental health.
  2. Except for this: OP, I think you have been trying way too hard to convince yourself that this man is single in spite of major indicators that he probably isn't. There is a reason he never actually set a plan to meet you in person. There is a reason he would disappear randomly or cut it short with you. He sounds like a married man.
  3. It is long past time you step away from this cyber-fantasy. He sounds like a jerk. But you would be better-served by figuring why you have wasted so many years on a situation that was never a real relationship. You can do better than this, OP.
  4. You're on repeat, girl. You keep saying the same things over and over. It changes nothing about your current situation. This isn't healthy for you. Do you have supportive friends in real life you can talk to about this? Going around in circles on the internet doesn't appear to be helping you.
  5. Again, none of this matters anymore. For now, he is not in contact with you. You really need to stop going in circles about what he might be doing, might be thinking or might do in the future. You're wasting way too much energy on "might." Start focusing on letting go, since it's already clear this has no future.
  6. Don't even worry about this right now. It's been weeks since you heard from him so the chances are slim. Cross that bridge only if you come to it. But the truth is, you hadn't found it with him either. You were attracted to him and felt something, yes. But it wasn't a viable prospect since he didn't see a future. It certainly doesn't mean you will never feel a spark again with someone else. Your fear is keeping you paralyzed.
  7. Real adults have dating setbacks too, though. Real adults face disappointment. Real adults sometimes feel hurt when things don't work out. I am not sure why you hinged being a real adult on the nature of this fledgling connection. As for right now, it's normal that you're not feeling it with new men. You're still way too hung up on this other guy to even be open to dating someone else yet. That is why all contact needs to stop, so you really let go of false hope Being bread-buddies is pointless, as is being friends in general. It will keep you stuck.
  8. So actually, you aren't still communicating. He has let it fizzle. This question has already been answered multiple times in your threads, so I am not going to repeat what has already been thoroughy discussed. Do you get that someone's interest can change? You seem to have a hard time understanding that a few good dates and some sex isn't a guarantee that things will continue. People change their minds sometimes. You need to let it all go You are driving yourself mental asking the same questions over and over. Are you generally a very anxious person in other areas of your life?
  9. Because he doesn't assign as much importance and urgency to this connection that you do. If he did, well, this thread would not exist. That's not to say he didn't like you, but only that he isn't operating from the same scarcity mindset that you are. What I mean is that you see this as your only shot at love and you have described your lack of success in dating generally - it is probably not the same for him, hence his willingness to let this one go. He knows this wasn't his only chance. He also told you himself previously that he didn't have the right romantic feelings to continue dating you. You need to believe him. There is a difference between enjoying someone's company for the short term and having fun in the moment, and seeing true potential for something longer-term. The latter wasn't there for him. He was honest with you about that when he first ended this. The fact that you remained open to seeing him in spite of knowing he felt that way is on you. No, he shouldn't have kept in touch knowing you liked him and wanted more. But it is up to you draw a line there and say no to casual meet-ups when the guy has not clearly indicated that he had a change of heart and wants to try dating again. It's a tough but important lesson to learn. I hope you are not still communicating with him?
  10. Also this. OP, it's fine to be excited about a potential new interest, but remember to keep perspective too. You have no idea how well you will mesh offline, if the chemistry will be there, if things will still be interesting after a couple dates, and so on. Go and have fun when you meet her but keep your expectations in check. See how you get on when you're face-to-face.
  11. I imagine this had a lot to do with it, because otherwise, you two were totally unsuited to each other. When you can't even communicate without the support of technology, it is a dead end. I say that as someone who also lives abroad and has learned the local language. It is otherwise impossible to have a functional relationship. Add to that the fact that she kept rejecting your advances, and the writing has been on the wall for a long time. Perhaps you were also at a more vulnerable or lonely point when you met her too, so she seemed like a reasonable option because nothing else was really happening. But this was never a very realistic prospect. Best to have walked away, and keep it that way.
  12. Nah. She just knows how to put on an act for a guy who really, really wants to believe this is the real deal. It doesn't require great acting skill when the audience wants to be convinced. Time to wake up, my dude. This is not the relationship you think it is. It is obvious she is playing with you and lying to you, and you would have to be pretty willfully naive to think you are the only man she sees and accepts money from. Please, walk away from this. You are going to wind up even more hurt in the end, because this young lady is not the love of your life and will not be riding off into the sunset with you.
  13. Yes, it's fine that you stopped watching adult content. But I wonder, why do you feel so guilty about that to begin with? It's a pretty normal thing to do, especially when someone is single and doesn't have another outlet.
  14. You're not crazy. You were someone who had hopes for a future with a guy, and it didn't work out. You are having some trouble accepting that it's not going to amount to anything and you need support talking through your feelings. Do you go in circles sometimes? Yes. Does that make you a crazy person? No. As long as you realize this guy was not the one for you, you're going to be all good again soon.
  15. Precisely. Best friends don't need to tell each other they are just friends, because they already know. This sort of conversation wouldn't need to happen at all. This would be akin to me announcing that rain makes the street not dry.
  16. Over one message from an ex, a year ago? She clearly does not trust you. Think about what that says: she believes you lack dignity and are dishonest. In other words, she thinks quite little of you. I would stop enabling this, and start re-evaluating if this is the sort of relationship you really want.
  17. This is you making excuses for her. She didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday. She knows this would be absolutely unacceptable for most relationships. She just wants to continue doing things her way. You know you are in a dubious relationship when you need to explain why having an ex for a sleepover is not alright. The vast majority of adults would not need this spelled out to them. Neither does she. There is a difference between not understanding, and not wanting to hear it. She's the latter.
  18. I wouldn't continue this relationship at all, OP. She is showing you very clearly that she has flimsy boundaries and very different values from you. She also talks out both sides of her mouth and has different standards for you than she does for herself. In short? You two are not a match. I would let her play with T all she wants and find someone who is more emotionally mature to date instead. This girl ain't it.
  19. All of this speculating and ruminating is useless, girl. You are wasting precious emotional energy on a man who isn't going to become your boyfriend. You need to learn when to let it go, and understand it's a dead-end.
  20. Wow, what a crock of equine manure. Sorry Alex, but it is glaringly obvious you are terribly jealous of her and don't like her - and also that you were mad she didn't want to eat your food. Are you also mad at your mom? Sure. But to say you like your brother's girlfriend is rather hilarious since we can all read what you already wrote about her. You re-write history a lot in your own mind.
  21. Hopefully you actually let go of him this time. This is silliness.
  22. I think you wanted this relationship to be something it just wasn't. Sure, there were moments you felt special. But that is not enough when the overall tone is one of feeling unheard and unseen, and when you feel your partner doesn't respect you. You didn't cause him to cheat. He chose that. If he was unhappy, he could have ended it with you before he had sex with someone else. He didn't do that. He is not a quality guy, and therefore you haven't lost much at all.
  23. Whether or not this guy is seeing someone else isn't that relevant, OP. The point is that he doesn't want to take it further with you. You are having a lot of diffculty letting go of this and you are essentially asking the same questions over and over in your threads. It isn't getting you anywhere because the bottom line hasn't changed - he doesn't want a relationship with you. And if it's been 10 days since you last heard from him, you need to understand that someone else probably has his attention now anyway. Being "friends" with him is a terrible idea since it will keep you stuck and hurt you when you find out that he has met someone else and is dating her.
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