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Weird thingy with my weight.

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I'm 16 years old, about 6 feet tall and weight 217 pounds.


I eat foods high in fat every day (going to change that) but I have noticed that I don't gain any weight, I've actually lost weight instead of gaining from these fatty foods.


I'm assuming it's my metabolism, but I fear that I may be losing muscle mass and gaining actual fat.


Any ideas?

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believe it or not, there is actually something called the high fat food diet, you eat really fatty foods, and loose wieght. (not very healthy in the long run), Sometimes, when you get alot of grease, the food runs right through you, your just plugging up your arteries then, if you ate the same amount of food, but in carbs, like pasta and bread, you would begin to gain wieght, but I dont think that is what your planning on doing.

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We all know what it takes to eat healthy and look good, we chose our behaviors -- thereforeeee we chose to look the way that we do.


What makes someone thin and someone fatter? Self esteem. it pushes us to do our best.


We are at the doorway to a new year, keep your feelings silent and do your best in all that you do.

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Stop eating fat foods. Eat healthy. Eat meat. Research, and find weight cutting plans.


But you must also work out. Go to the gym, jog in the morning, ect. The only thing is you must completely dedicate yourself to this. It is really hard, but in the long run, it pays off.


I had kinda the same problem, but I was too skinny. Well, I dedicated myself, and went from 6'0 and 120 to 137, and still keep gaining weight.


Its all dedication, but it really pays off.

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im not sure what to say, i have bad metabolism, I used to be over wieght about 3 years ago, until I started working out and running and getting any exercise I could, if i keep working liek I do, I can eat fine. Actually this reminds me about one of my buddies, hes 6 feet tall, doesnt look over wieght, but doesnt look really skinny either, he weighs around 210, he doesnt work out at all, but hes pretty strong, and everyday at the caf, he gets a poutine, and a coke, and maybe goes back for more fries. IM just a bit shorter than him, work out all the time, Im pretty strong, can bench 200, and I only wiegh 160, Kinda of confusing.

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Just because you cannot see the fat, does not mean that eating so much fatty food is not affecting you....it builds up in and around your organs..in your arteries, your heart, your liver.


Have you seen Supersize Me? The movie does talk about the effects of a high fat, low nutrient diet...very interesting.


Eat healthy - lot of fresh foods: veggies, fruits, lean meats, whole grains, lean dairy and you DO need to exercise cardio and strength are both important. The key is finding something you enjoy to do and look forward to doing.

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I'm 6'4 and weighed 300 pounds last year.... No one believed me because I carry it well and I am active. Since last may I've been eating healthy, lifting and excercises as much as I can... Now I'm at 240 and have no problem keeping it off.


My advice is to just start watching what you eat. Maybe workout a little bit each day. Salads (go light on the dressing) are great, so is water. If you drink alot of pop just cold turkey straight to diet//caffeine free.


Eventually it will all catch up to you... and once you start eating healthy you will notice a major difference in your personality//lifestyle as well I bet. or atleast I did.



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I've heard that the aspartame in diet pops is broken down into something that causes 'holes' in your brain.


Should answer some questions. Aspartame being dangerous is a myth created due to it's shady aproval by the FDA, the rise in brain cancer (which was shown to be statistically insignificant as far as aspartame was concerned), and a related genetic disorder called phenelkentenuria.


Whatever the cause, if aspartame did cause problem then millions of people would have had adverse effects. 10 billion cases of soda are sold every year and 30% of it is diet soda. That's quite a large sample size of people who drink diet soda once in a while that have no consistent adverse side effects.


And about your weight. There's something called the Basal Metobolic Rate (BMR). The more fat/muscle you have, the more calories are needed to sustain that fat/muscle. So the bigger you are the more calories you burn. After that, it's simple thermodynamics. If you take in more calories than you need then you'll get bigger, if you have a deficit, you'll get smaller. It's true that some people have faster metabolisms, but at your age, I seriously doubt this is the biggest factor her. Go to google and check your BMI (Body Mass Index). I'd venture to guess that your BMI is large for your age/height. Now it's true that BMI isn't all that great of a guide, but it's a rough guide. I'd say that you are probably 15lbs overweight to be in the "healthy" zone. I'm not sure, but check it yourslef. If I were you I would make it a resolution this year to be 15lbs lighter by the same time next year, Or maybe 5% less body fat.


Good luck.

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I have a problem with mood swings depending on what I have eaten. I get really tired and groggy in the afternoons, especially if I have had a lot of sugar or caffeen.


It is hard to do, but stay away from the overly processed foods, listen to your body when you want to eat celery or a carrot.


Eat as many vegetables as you can.

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If i were u i would slow down on the fast food and get some proper food. As a kid i was eating lots of fatty food all th time, i mean school served chips daily.


But i was exercising so much 5 x a week football/cricket (depending season). 2 x swimming. 3 x weight lifting.


I then went to uni and drank a lot more and the food wasent great either. I had stopped aerobic exercise as well and was just doing weights 3 x a week. By the second year of uni i had shot up 2 and 1/2 stone. Some muscle yes, but lots of fat as well. I then had to spend the next 8 months getting some running into my workout program on a fairly strict diet to lose that 2 stone.


My weight now appears to fluctuate much more depedning on what i eat and drink. I now seem to spend 6 weeks on intensive weights and eating a lot to build muscle, followed by 8 weeks of running to try to lose fat and a couple of sessions at the gym just to try to hold the muscle (but of course performance drops due to less energy)



So watch out, it can catch up with u when your older.

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IMO, weight is a thing that as long as you look good and feel good, the actual number should not matter. But if you're concerned, I suggest a couple of things. Don't drink soda, it is a major culprit in weight gain.

The sugar is extremely bad for you and all it takes is two sodas a day to severely increase your risk of developing diabetes. Water helps boost your metabolism. And flushes out your system. Try making food in smaller portions that has more flavor. In terms of exercise start out slow. And since you're so young twenty minutes a day is good. Then see how you're feeling. Good luck!

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