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Christmas is a little off this year

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C h r i s t m a s


I just LOOOOOOOVE Christmas...Guess whAt THo?... My dad forgot it was christmas , we have no tree up or lights..And its more like a reg stupid day for us! Hehe Im so happy its Overwhelming..I get to get drunk off my hiney soon tho like lastnight....Thats my holiday spirit for ya! lol


Na but things just really seem like there falling apart. My bro hates me and doesnt care about my dad. I don't know what to do for my dad hes just sleeping and sleeping and eating and sleeping. Hes on leave for work so he wont return until Wow..Tomorrow..Lucky him


My Grandma decided to not celebrate until tomorrow so that sucks...Its because my aunt wanted to celebrate with her family or something. And so my grandma decides to put everything on hold. Soo My friend thinks im a Hoochie mama because i kissed this guy at a party we went to. Her boyfriend seriously is shocked i would do something like that , but whatever its my life ill do what i want ya know?


Well I hope everyone has a Jolly Holiday!

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