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(Dreams) It's almost Scary

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Hey there.

What do you all think that we dream?


Everytime I switch the lights off in my room to go to bed, my mind always wanders away inventing new monstrous faces and beings. It's kinda annoying since I'm 19 and prefer to sleep with a small nightlight. When I'm sleeping with a girl I feel totally relaxed and safe and can sleep in pitch black - but when I'm alone it just does not happen. Why is this? I don't really think that I'm scared of the dark because everything that happens in the dark room, is my mind leading to think of spooks.


I have these weird reoccurring dreams. One is about me waking up and in the corner next to the door, a monstrous but almost humanoid being, is crouched with his head resting in the palm of his hand which in turn rests the elbow on his knee. The face of it varies but it manages to paralyze me anyways.


The other one I've only had once come to think about it. And I had it about five years ago. I wake up in my room from hearing strange buzzing music in my ears. I can't discern anything special about it, it only sounds as if you put your speakers on max with an empty record in it. The bass can sound loud and vibrating. Everything is White as well! Normally my walls are orange and dark blue but now everything was white with the exception of a little blue every here and there. At the foot of my bed a young girl, or perhaps a boy, sits. "It" is wearing a dress, seemingly a hospital dress that one'd wear before surgery. It has long brown and, I guess, pretty unclean hair. I get a little frightened by that sight so I turn to lie on my side and form a "wall" with the duvét between the two of us. But when I turn back to lie on my back, I see a bleak palm only centimeters above my face and just then - I wake up.


I'm at a total loss as of why these dreams come to me. Pretty annoying.

Hope someone can shine some insight on my question. Thanks!

(Also, if you have any, post your own weird dreams)

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I myself which I understood the nightmares I have. I have insomnia, and when I finally do get to sleep I don't rest because of the nightmares that haunt me. I had a reoccurring dream about a bathroom. I had it twice. The toilets where on lockers, and you had to crawl up into them to use them. They were actually sitting as if you tipped your toilet forward. In the back they had stalls. I would go back there, and every stall had dead bodies in it. The stinch was awful. Then someone starts chasing me trying to kill me. I have a phobia about bathrooms, and that dream made it worse. Recently though I had a dream that I was a prostitute. I made a guy finish to quickly and he got real mad at me. He was an asian man. He grabbed me by the throat and put a gun to my head, and told me I couldn't leave until we had sex again, but I had to wait for him. He went to sleep, and I fell asleep to. I woke him and the guy climbed on top of me, but it was not that asian man any longer it was my ex boyfriend who emotionally abused me. I also had a strange dream once that still bothers me. In my dream John Edwards (pyschic medium) pulled me aside, and we looked to the front door of my house, and I saw myself walking down the steps, and I got shot in the head. Then he took me to his home. Everything was white, and so beautiful. I was looking for him, and finally found him in a room. This room had strange walls though. It was blue lights flowing very quickly, and it was not square, it was more like a sphere. John was sitting in there meditating, and he looked up and so did I. There was a lady looking down at us. She was in a white dress, and it was floating around like curtains do infront of a big window that has been opened up on a windy day. Then she dropped down through us. It was such a strange feeling. I don't remember all of my dreams, but the ones I do really bother me. This was a really good post. Thanks for sharing your dreams, and I wish I could be of some help.

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I don't know how to help you with your problem the only thing i can tell you is what I would suggest. I suggest you do what Stephen King did when he had similar night mares, he made millions, he wrote books then made movies. Try writing out what your seeing and see if you can make a book or two out of it. You would be surprised.....may even be your calling. WHo knows?

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