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I am currently living an addiction impulse just at this very moment. I'm at work just now but I feel like I would just leave and satisfy my addiction. I've got so much trouble resisting. Anyone got any tips on this one? I've got homework to do today and friends to see but it all seem fade compated to my addiction. The compulsion is so strong, I don't know If I can resist. I know I'll feel ashamed and unhappy If I do it but It doesn't seem to matter! This is completely illogical, I know. But if someone could just give me some tips as to how they manage to control treir addition, I would appreciate that very much so.


Omega Man

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Hey there OmegaMan ~ Firstly, what type of addiction are you dealing with, this may help... I understand if you don't want to say, but there's a huge difference between drugs, shopping, and eating.. ya know? they can all turn into addictions. I have beat 2 addicitions this year, smoking and eating. Whenever I get a craving I let myself know OK if you must then you will, but I have to do "X" first and will work on a small project, nothing stressful, just normal stuff, like wash the dishes, call my mom, cook dinner, wash my car, ANYTHING to get my mind off of it, usually by the time I finish my "project" I have either forgotten the urge or can control it. Now the second part of this is, giving in every now and then. With smoking, if I was having a few drinks I could have 1 cigarette. On the weekends I let myself eat 1 meal that I REALLY want. Its about realizing that you don't want or need this addiction, that you DON't want it. Good luck! remember everyone falls, its getting up that counts!

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Addictions are hard to deal with, whether they be drug related, or have to do with your personal life. Set time for yourself, and relax for a while, even if it's only 10 minutes of your day. Focus your energy on completing what you have in mind. If the current task at hand seems to be wearing you down, set it aside for an hour and return to it when your mind in clear and you can focus. Tell yourself that you are a strong person and that you can TRY and go with out your addiction for some time. If you addiction is something like smoking, try setting a goal for yourself that you won't smoke for 4 hours each day, maybe from noon to 4PM, try and comply with that the best you can. The next week, try for 6 hours, or what ever your addiction maybe try and draw yourself away from it and keep yourself on task for that days work. Have faith in yourself and seek help from those you trust and value most in your life and they will help you reach your goals. Best of luck to you.

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To get rid of an addiction, you must find some way of replacing the unhealthy addiction with a new incompatible addiction.


Lets say you smoke too much!! You wish to stop smoking and want to cut the habbits that lead to smoking. Lets say when you have a girl friend that helps you to cut down on the will to smoke since most girls don't want to kiss some guy who tastes like a cigarette. So you go out looking for women instead of smoking at home,,,etc.


It helps to know the compulsion, but maybe that is private.

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