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Feeling lost, where to go from here

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Hello everyone,


I need some advice again. As some of you may know, I've been trying for a new position at the firm I work for. At the beginning of this week, I learned that I had gotten the position and I start on the 14th, this Tuesday. I'm proud of myself and amazed at the achievements I've had in the past 10 months, however, now I feel lost.


My original plan was to wait at least a year, possibly two, before attempting to get this new position. All that changed after I talked to the HR director, who is also a personal friend, and she told me this was something I should pursue now. With this success, I am now at a loss for what to do next. I've been doing a lot of self improvements, and I know I've come fairly far, but I feel like I have a lot further to go. I was told I should just revel in the latest achievement and take a step back for a while before moving on, but I just don't feel I can do that.


I have different ideas of things that need improvement in my life, but I'm just not sure where to begin or how to go about beginning. And now I find myself getting frustrated with myself, depressed, and feeling like this was all for nothing. Mostly I am asking for insight into whether or not these feelings are normal, a way I can organize my ideas into a plan, and what I should do in regards to my current successes. Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you.

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Hi there,


These feelings are all completely normal. Anytime there is a major change in your life (job change, moving, divorce, breakup, new relationship, etc) it can cause enough stress for your mind to begin working overtime. You start peppering yourself with questions and none of them are easy to answer. Fortunately, none of these questions need immediate answers so you can take your time and explore them as you want to.


Enjoy your success - you've earned it. I know you feel there are still many things in your life that are lacking, but they don't have to get fixed tomorrow. Get settled in your new job first. Learn the routine. Figure out what they expect. Don't try to tackle all the other stuff that is worrying you. You will just get overwhelmed (as you are already experiencing).


Once you've been at the job for awhile, if you still have some things you'd like to work on then deal with it then. For now, I think the new job is more than enough on your plate.


And CONGRATS on the new position!

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Thanks for all the support and responses. I know I should sit back and enjoy this achievement, but as shadowdancer said, I feel like I need an outlet for all of this drive I have. I've considered moving out sooner than I had planned since I now have the means, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for another big step like that. I was planning on moving out the summer of 2004, but some of my wonders if I'm putting it off too long. That's one of the ideas that has been floating around in my head. Thanks again for all your help.

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