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Who has a good Friends-first romance success story for me?


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I'm curious if there's a such thing as the Point of No Return when it comes to the possibility of friendship converting to a romantic love relationship.


The longer two people have been "ONLY FRIENDS" -- the more impossible to change that friend-bond dynamic into romance? Is this the case?


Who has successfully changed a platonic friendship into a committed, real relationship? If you would share your story of friendship to love I'm sure it would inspire lots of us.



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Well, I posted not to long ago that I was debating telling my best friend of 5 years that I love her. She has since been pressuring me to tell her how I feel, its kind of caught me off guard and I'm unsure what to do. In response to your question I really don't think that there is a point of no return. I think it just depends on the person. I mean things that happen daily impact how you feel.

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Hi, i'm a 17 year old girl. You may have one of my other posts and know that i have recently had a few problems with my boyfriend, thinking that i had feelings for someone else. Well, i've figured out that it's my boyfriend i want to be with. We've been together nearly 7 months, before our relationship we were good friends - the best. We could tell each other everything and still can. I don't know if 7 months is long enough to say that it will definitely work long term but right now we've very happy. We have the occasional problem like every couple but nothing we can't get through. Good Luck xxx

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depends on the kind of relationship you have and the fears each of you has about losing the other. Takes a bit of recklessness and faith to take that step because most people fear losing the friendship they once had. I am currently stuck in the friendzone because its just how things worked out. If it stays that way who knows but the friendszone is a shitty spot to be when you want more.

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Hi, almost a year ago I married my bestfriend. We had been friends for 4 years before we got together. I liked him WAY before he made his 1st move but now I know if was all worth the wait. Before we got together, I would wonder am I ever going to find someone I can have this much fun with...we used to hang out every single day and I couldn't imagine spending that much time with anyone else. So believe me, it is very possible to take that extra step in a friendship and marry your friend.

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