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anti depressants and alcohol

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Hi people,

Now I've just been prescribed anti depressants for, well depression, and was wondering if it's still ok to have a couple of beers every now and then. Does drinking alcohol make anti depressant medication NOT work properly? DO I have to stop drinking completely to get the benifits from anti depressants? thanks


Oh if you need to know what type of anti depressant it is it's called Mirtazapine

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I think that you should talk to your doctor about this. I think that it does mess up the effect of the medication. But I would stop until talking to your doctor.


Hope that the anti depressants work for you. Being depresed sucks big time.




remember don't take the risk of something going wrong by doing this.

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Hey I've been on Anti-depressants for over a year (sertriline) From my exprerience's from mixing my medication with alcohol, often left me feeling the next day extremely depressed (more than normal) and anxious, And very moody, I did an experiment with this to see if it was the alcohol doing this too me, It was, So I try to aviod drinking. I also noticed I got drunk quicker.


My doctor told me it was okay to have one or two but no more, I would personally talk to you're Doctor cause there are loads of anti-depressants out there.

By the way Alcohol Is an Depressant

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