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I dont believe in TV and internet crap, it just takes forever to get the same results that you can get in a week. I bought this video tape, and I could cardly see any results after a month, but when I started doing it on my own, it was much harder then in the tape, so I got the results that I wanted faster

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Two years ago I gave up smoking cigarettes and started jogging 3 times a week so I wouldn't gain weight due to nicotine withdrawal, and I can tell you it's the best thing you can ever do - especially if there is a good trail/sidewalk that you can run on right by your house/apt. The great thing about it is all you need is yourself and some good shoes, nothing that you can procrastinate about like having to go to the gym etc. I lost almost 30 pounds and I look the best I ever have, and I feel great. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself and it's more addictive than cigarettes were!!

Good luck-

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