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Well I dont know what kind of weight los program youre looking for, but all i know is this. Dont go bullimic or anorexic. Sure you can get skinny by starving yourself, but its unhealthy and in most cases, leads to death. I dont want that to happen to you...The best choice may just be to start a diligent excersize routine or program. You'll feel better about yourself, and youll be skinnier. I hope this kinda helped



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one thing you may want to try, is substituting something for your eating habit. go play a game, go for a walk, go call a friend on the phone..something to teach your mind not to instantly use food as an escape. your best bet, would be to replace it with something healty, such as a walk.


also, not many people are aware of this, but the part of your brain that tells you you're hungry, is right next to the part that tells you you're thirsty. in a lot of cases, people will instantly reach for food, when they really arent hungry, just thirsty. so, next time you feel the craving for food, try drinking a glass or two of water and waiting to see if that fixes the feeling. if not, have a snack, lol.


dont give up, it may take a while, but its all worth it in the end.

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I think you should start just trying to eat healthy and exercise to start. Start doing more outdoors activities, specially since its summer!!!! You could jog 10 mins a day or something. I would suggest that, and then maybe after a while, once you feel comfortable start getting into more of a program. Don't worry so much about the weight, just work on getting yourself healthy and the rest will fall where it does!!!!!

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ok- well lets see if this helps out--about a year and a half ago-- i used to weigh about 135-- pretty good considering i'm a tall girl-- i had guys after me left and right-- as soon as i got with my boyfriend i started gaining the weight-- i gained more than 100 pounds-- but what i failed to realize was that i was eating due to being unhappy--if i was sad i would eat; if i was angry i would do the same.. and the cycle never stopped-- it got so bad that it got to the point where my boyfriend didn't even want to touch me or have any type of sexual encounter with me.. as a result i would eat .. it was just a cycle, i was eating because i wasn't getting any..soon enough it had to stop-- it did-- just a little while ago. but i feel better, since there is no one there to tell me how unattractive i am... i dont over eat anymore..i started exercising, which you should include in your diet-- believe me this is the key-- and i started watching what i eat-- i'm down to 195-- i know i've still got a long way to go, but i'm sure i'll do it--you just need to get to the bottom of this-- and see what the real problem is-- hope this helps--wishfulthinker

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