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Raising a child is VERY HARD. Don't let people try to tell you its easy. Explain to your husband the problem your having. I'm sure he will understand. I doubt he will want to give up a child though, maybe go to day care will help you with that.. HOWEVER


If you feel like your going to do something bad.. CALL 911

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I am a little confused. Do you want to leave your baby and your husband? Just leave everything and start over?

I also want to say that you may not sorry if you were to give your child up for adoption. I was adopted and I think it was the smartest thing my biological mother did. She gave me to a family that could provide for me, loved me and wanted me.

It sounds like you need to talk to some one like a counselor. Many of your feelings sound like a type of depression that could be managed. You have several options but first start talking to your husband and work together. You need time away from teh house. Find a hobby, volunteer, join an organization. You need a social outlet so that your every waking minute is not focused on just your family but you have time as well.

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Leave your family? Clearly you are under a lot of stress. Chances are you have lost who you really are. You are not living the life that you were meant to lead are you?


You need to find joy in your life. If any of what I said has related to your situation I strongly suggest you look into books regarding this situation. One book I just read, reminds me exactly of your situation. It is by Dr. Phil (the TV psychologist) called "Self Matters" It was an excellent book and an easy read. It addressed issues regarding your situation.


That being living a false life in which you fail to life an authentic life. I really recommend you read that book. It will save you a lot of trouble.

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I'm very sorry to hear about your misfortune. Although I don't know your whole story, think of it this way. Your child may not seem as though he's very content, but I can assure you that he loves you with all his heart. At 16 months, they are not able to communicate as fluently as an older toddler, but if you left, the pain you'd inflict upon him would be insurmountable. Personally, I think that this is something you and your husband need to work out together. As for the baby, pay attention to the foods and liquids that he's consuming. Maybe they're upsetting his tummy? If his lack of contentment persists, I suggest that you take him to see your pediatrician. There could be many reasons for this. Just hang in there! If you want to chat, feel free to IM me on AIM.

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You're clearly struggling to look after your baby on your own; I am sorry to hear that. Looking after a baby is work for anyone, but even more so when one is suffering with depression. You also mentioned that you come from a dysfunctional family. I recommend you seek help. Maybe the extra hobbies or just 'hanging in there' isn't enough. I'm not sure how it works in the United States (I'm guessing that's where you're from??) but there should be social services in your area. If I were you would I would contact any voluntary hot lines for families and individuals. There should be phones numbers in the front/back of phone books. Many services deal with an array of problems, and hopefully they can assist you or point you in the right direction. I'm not familiar with services in America, but I'm hoping there are organisations, which help with mothers and children. If you are able to find a service consider telling them how your family past is effecting your situation, and how you are struggling to care adequately for your child. If you are able to get access to these particular services, I think it might be a helpful option.


Take care



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Hi there. So you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by a crying 16 month old. Though this can be typical, I would suggest a visit to the doctor, and like everyone says...there may be a food allergy of some kind. Also remember babies can sense stress, if you are agitated, raising your voice or crying..the baby will know this and respond.

But the real issue here is your ability to cope. If you are in treatment, you must discuss this issue. Leaving means running away from having to deal with the pain...meaning you will never feel any better about yourself if you don't deal with this head on.

Regardless of your husbands hours, you need to discuss this with him, he has a right to know. This is his child as well.

And the idea of day care or a sitter is a great idea for "time away." Is there any family or friends that could help in that way? It is time to reach out...to family, friends and your husband before you do something you will regret. And I don't suggest calling social services without talking to your husband first. This though a great organization, is not the type to "send you in the right direction" then leave you alone.

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