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I think my boyfriend is addicted to Crank!

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I am so blind to crank and what it does to a person, so I was hoping I can get some info from others out there that are aware of the drug. What does this do to your body? I think my boyfriend is using crank, but don't know for sure! I really need help!

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I have never dealt with drugs, but i studyed them. They are an exit through lifes problems. When one is happy the brain releases a chemical in the brain called "dopomean". this chemical fuels excitement and lauphter. When someone takes drugs that is what it does to them. it wont harm you the first couple times, or if you use it once a while but it will if you abuse it. When the brain releases dopomean after dopomean day by day, it is not healthy, you become addicted and your chemical balance in your body adapts to it. You become depressed. Yes drugs are dangerous at the time when you are under the influence because it impairs your judgment. It distracts you easlily. That is why you dont drink and drive etc. It can harm others if you use it in a wrong way while you are engaged in an activity such as driving a car, playing sports, or hunting.



hope this helps you a bit,


take care

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He's exactly right. Even if it is marijuana, which usually doesn't contain niccotine, the addiction is what we call "mental". It is an addiction to the high that you get. It can get to the point, even with marijuana, where someone's mind is unable to function hardly at all without this high. It becomes a way of life, and not a good one.



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  • 4 months later...

I have been battling an addiction to Methanphetemines for over a year now. Crank is probably the most dangerous form of meth because of all the chemicals it is cut with. It is EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE!!! I know this personally! There are many different ways of abusing this drug. It can be smoked, inhaled, injected, or taken orally. Signs of early Methanphetemine addiction is diolated pupils, accessive talking, compulsive "jittering" or "figiting", and loss of appetite. Later stages of addiction could include: moodiness, severe insomnia, anorexia, fatigue, tooth decay, rapid weight loss, pale skin, lack of hygeine, confusion, depression, isolation, physcotic episodes, and suicidal behaviors. If you suspect that your boyfriend may have an addiction to Methanphetemines (crank) talk to him about getting some help IMMEDIATELY!!! Do it before it's too late! This drug is very leathal and has ruined MILLIONS of lives, including mine. I don't know if I will ever be the same again. I'd advise you to encourage your boyfriend into going into a rehabilitation facility or getting some form of help. You can not beat an addiction like this alone. If he does not consent to at least get some form of help, do not stay with him. HE WILL ONLY DRAG YOU DOWN! Life with a meth addict is HELL. Most importantly, I know you are very curious about this drug. Do not let your curiosity get the best of you. PLEASE DO NOT EXPERIMENT WITH THIS DRUG YOURSELF!!! It only takes one time to get addicted for life. Good luck!



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