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I have just picked up the book entitled: The Intimate Connection by James B Nelson.


It says that the male's pressure to keep his emotions to himself are killing him. These pressures keep men from getting professional help from counselors and doctors, until the problems he faces are out of control.


Men die at a higher rate than women, and the 10 most likely ways of dying are all associated with masculine behaviors. The inability to deal with emotions is directly linked to the higher incidence of major diseases.


Men also wish for genuine equality in relationships. However this is put off by centuries of male dominated societies. So men find themselves ill-prepared for true intimacy--revealing deeper emotions. Up until a year ago, I truly believed that men only felt 2 emotions: love and hate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have just picked up the book entitled: The Intimate Connection by James B Nelson.


It says that the male's pressure to keep his emotions to himself are killing him. These pressures keep men from getting professional help from counselors and doctors, until the problems he faces are out of control.


Men die at a higher rate than women, and the 10 most likely ways of dying are all associated with masculine behaviors. The inability to deal with emotions is directly linked to the higher incidence of major diseases.


Men also wish for genuine equality in relationships. However this is put off by centuries of male dominated societies. So men find themselves ill-prepared for true intimacy--revealing deeper emotions. Up until a year ago, I truly believed that men only felt 2 emotions: love and hate.


What experience changed your view of what men feel?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started a Gender Differences class at the local community college, and my professor told me that was absolutely not correct. That men and women experience the same emotions, effectively. So why are men considered less emotional than women?


Men actually have more serotonin in their brains than women which is why men seem to deal with stress better than women, in general; women have higher levels of neurosteroids than men which is why we can over react to stress sometimes, especially during the dreaded PMS times.


Unfortunately, these neurosteroids can make us prone to depression and anxiety, which is why women in general reach for the "Prozac" style of drugs more often than men; we are just more vulnerable to the stresses that life brings us.

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