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Strange mixed signals....girls help me understand

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Some of you maybe familiar with my story.....(see 'is it possible to be friends?').

My ex is definatly over me. Shes seeing someone else, is asking for stuff to be returned, says its going places with the new man, looks very happy and is always going out for meals. I have accepted its over.


But the strangest thing happened this week. We bumped into each other in the pub and exchanged plesentaries, had a little chat and then her new b/f arrived. I picked up my stuff, tapped her on the shoulder and said catch you later then left. Everything cool right!

Later that night I was surprised to get a TXT from her. This was the first in 2 months since the split. Again, I read nothing into the TXT. It just said 'sorry to cut you short. It was good to see you again and be able to chat. See you around'.

I replied with 'Its cool, I understand. It was good to see you too. We have alot of history and I always thought a special bond ever since we first met, it would be a shame to loose it completely. Maybe when your free one night we can have a chat in the pub. I still care you know. Look after yourself'. Nice I thought.

Surprisingly she replied. 'Thanks I will. Maybe we can have a chat sometime without everyone watching. TXT you soon.'

All just plesent and nice yeah? Just friends.


I went out the following night with a mate and a couple of girls, one of which Im sorta seeing (in a casual way). My ex and her bloke where there too and I made a specific point of not paying attention and just had a good time instead. My mate (who doesnt know the ex) said that she was watching us play pool from time to time. And later my girly friend said that my ex was giving her the 'evil eye'. I said she was probably just curious as she had asked about her the previous evening. But she was adament it was the evil glare thing! I didnt see so cant comment.


Is there something here or is it the old girlfriend playing games? Probably not, but I thought someone out there might know eh.

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Your ex decreases in value when you stop looking at her !!!! Supply and demand


You have almost shown her that she doesn't matter to you anymore, and you have someone else. She is not happ about that, because she may have insecurities about her new relationship and you appear to be fine.


Thats her problem, again, you can wait around all your life for her, but actions speak louder than words. If you like the new casual girl, stick with her (it's only fair to her too). Your ex made her bed, and she can lie in it. If she wants to get out, let her, but don't stand there by the bedside waiting for her. THe more detached you become, the more it will draw her out if thats what she really deep down wants.


Good Luck,.


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I think you may be right, but I was the one with the insecurities. I fought hard for her and as we know, that never helps. She always did say that I made it easy for her to choose the other man. I dont think shes insecure in the new one, they even kissed in the pub that night. I felt OK I think.


The new girl knows all about my shit and is happy to do the friends who sleep together and go out on the pull together thing. She leave in October anyway. But she really nice and has helped me through alot.

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I've been thinking for the last while, and perhaps I'm reading into that glare too much! Girls will answer for sure, but isn't this normal for the death stare to happen?!!


If you want her back, you have to figure out what you are doing, if not, let go. Don't drag yourself on. Didn't you say the other day though that ideally you want to get back with her - and again today you say it again. What are you after here?


New bloke causes issues in the situation, certainly. You should have fun till october with someone that helps you get your outlook together, and see what is going on by then. Let it lie, watch some more, and see how you relly feel then.



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Im not sure I understand what you are saying in your opening sentance. Glare....death stare...etc Sounds like girly mumbo jumbo to me!


I do understand the main points and your right. I am not waiting. I have come to accept its over. But of course I would like her back. Cant have everything we want tho. Life must go on

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