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Okay I used to consider myself an expert with girls (not in that way). I understood their needs and desires and typically got along very well with them. I often helped my friends understand the complex nature of women but now this one has me stumped... I'm baffled quite frankly.


Just last night I went up to visit my ex. We've been apart for the better part of a month. On Sunday I met her on ICQ she asked if she could call me (we hadn't been talking on the phone to help closure). I asked if anything was wrong and she said she needed to talk. I agreed to let her call me and she talked about how much she missed me and how she just needed a hug. I agreed to drive to see her (about an hour away, not even) and give her a hug. Anyone who read my last post remembers I'm positive this girl is "the one" so to speak and the reason we broke up is she can't say for sure whether I am for her.


Thw whole time I was there I never once mentioned our relationship. Following advice I received here I just had a good time with her. She brought it up though multiple times. Saying how much she enjoyed it, how much she wanted it again, how much she wished she could be sure I was "the one" stuff like that. She even mentioned how this was just something stupid she had to go through before she could settle down. I didn't and still don't know what to make of it. She asked me to hold her like I used to and I did. She turned and looked at me with a love in her eyes I'd never seen before. She asked if I still loved her. I said "more then you'll ever know" She told me she wanted to know my love again. So I made love to her, very passionately. It was really very beautiful, something we both missed for so long.


When I left she blew me a kiss the way she used to when we were together. I felt so right, it's so right. I don't know it mean though, I don't know if she just wanted to pretend for one more day or if she wants me back... Did I do the right thing? I felt good for both of us. I just wish I understood what's shes thinking.

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I think the only thing you can do is wait for her to make the move to the next step. I've seen cases where this will happen, and then the girl will say it was a mistake (maybe she missed holding him, etc but doesn't see a future) and other times they get back together. You should let her bring up the topic of a relationship, and when she does make sure you two talk about the problems that led to the break up so that they never happen again. You need to be firm about what you say too. You both need to be completely honest with each other or else there will still be trust issues and if you two can't trust each other then it'll never work.

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you should do what your heart tells you. But from my experience, you should be very careful in this situation. It's clear she wants you, but she still really doesn't know if marriage is the answer. You need to step back and evaluate yourself...perhaps slowing things down a bit w/her might be a good idea.


My point is, she's already said she's confused and wants to do things before settling down. You have to make her initiate everything until you officially get back together. Mostly importantly, you have to be sure that she has no doubt you're the one for her, if you do (have doubts) I would take a little more time from her.

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