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What to do

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Help!!! I do not know what to do with my brother-in-law. We where such good friends and even called each other brother ever since I started dating his sister. We where all close me my wife, her brother, and his girlfriend, we spent allot of time together and had the best of times. Then we got married and he moved out got an apartment and we never saw him again. He would spend all his time entertaining his friends. I would call him and he would not call me back for days. He seems to be getting worse everyday. It seems like he does not care for me anymore.

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That is a rather disappointing dilemma. I can understand why you are confused. Have you told him how you feel about the situation? Sometimes people do not realize their actions until the actions are brought to their attention. I would talk to him about it light-heartedly. Bring it up in a halfway jokng manner. See what his reply is and if his behavior changes. If not, then try to update him once a week or so on your life and make arrangements to get together. I would also ask your wife if he has been this way during his life. Maybe he just has difficulty holding on to friendships, as much as he may want to, it could just be a character flaw of his that should not be taken personally...

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Hey morelliv,


Mermayd has a GOOD point there! Communication leads to a better understanding and I see a lot of confusion here. I think that it would be a very good idea to sit down and talk to him. Especially now that he's married, he might have a few other things to focus on and he might have 'forgotten' how things were in the past. A little reminder would be okay


I hope this helps you ... good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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