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What i thought was wrong

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Well, back in August I started getting really depressed. I am only 16, so I am still in high school. All my teachers and friends started getting concerned. They realized that I needed help after my attempt to end my life. I am in couseling now, but I am scared that when it ends I'll slip back to where I was. Depression is really hard to fight off. I am finally getting my life back on track, but my couseling is only for another month. I don't wanna go back to where I was, but I find myself getting depressed more easily again. I try to be happy, but I don't know.

It feels like I've lost my grip on reality. U know? Once things finally start going good, then things start going down hill again. I don't know what to do. Depression is tearing at my soul, yet I'm trying to fight this scary battle. It feels like I'm in the middle of a war and everyone is against me and I have no hope. You know what I'm saying?? I just need some comforting advice. Please someone help!!!

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Yes, I know EXACTLY what you are saying. I have been and sometimes still am going through the same thing. You sorta have to take it day by day. Try to promise yourself that you will be as happy as you can be for today...don't worry about tomorrow. Dont think about yesterday. Today is what is important, and today you will be happy.

I have just recently ended my therapy sessions, which I have depended on since I was 6 yrs old...I am 21 now. It is hard to let go of that. But I arranged for my therapist and I to do phone conversations whenever I feel like I need guidance. Why is yours ending in a month? Can't you continue farther than that??? I would tell your therapist exactly what you have posted and see what they say. I think it would be to your benefit if you continued therapy further.

I am sorry you feel like this, but try to take things daily rather than overwhelm yourself. Don't think that you are alone in this, there are many that feel the same way quite often...I being one. Nothing is worth ending your life...Everything ends up okay sooner or later...you just have to have acceptance, understanding, and patience.

I hope I helped. If you need to talk...You can contact me via email,PM,or AIM. Im usually around...

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Hey there


You sorta have to take it day by day


*Grins* ... THAT sounds familiar, Mermayd!!! You're using my text, eh?


Hey girl,


Mermayd is right. Live your life day by day for now. I would set easy SMART goals. The term SMART comes from performance management in big companies, it stands for:






Time related


A good example of a SMART goal is: "Today I am going to talk to my friend for an hour."


If you set goals like that, you built confidence, because you will start to feel more organised. When you use positive goals like talking to a friend over the phone or having a drink with another friend you will find yourself smiling more often. You will feel like: "Heeey, I did it!". Heck, even cleaning your room works... wanna bet?


Good luck! Chin up, Cheer up && Smile.


~ SwingFox ~

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